Solución del ejercicio sobre el uso de Much or Many (2)

En este ejercicio te proponíamos que completaras las oraciones con MUCH y MANY de manera correcta. Si ya lo has hecho, verifica tus respuestas con la solución que te ofrecemos a continuación:

    1. There wasn´t much traffic on the road.
    1. There is much noise outside the house.
    1. Many inhabitants have signed the petition.
    1. We could sell many tickets for the play.
    1. The teacher gave us much homework.
    1. I have much time to help you.
    1. I had much money in my wallet.
    1. In the meeting there will be so much food.
    1. Many people want a change.
  1. The President announced many new measures.

    1. Susan brought many desserts for the dinner.
    1. Many doctors have seen the patient.
    1. He didn’t take much luggage.
    1. There are many techniques to improve your voice tone.
    1. Many employees were on the strike.
    1. We found much mice in the house.
    1. I drank much soda in the party.
    1. There is so much smoke in this room.
    1. I had to eat many greens before leaving.
  1. I spent many weeks abroad.

El uso de LITTLE – FEW

Hace algún tiempo te proponíamos aprender sobre el uso correcto de MUCH y MANY. Hoy veremos la manera de emplear LITTLE y FEW, que son otras dos palabras que determinan cantidad y que, aunque ambas significan «poco, poca, pocos pocas», en muchas ocasiones logran confundirnos.

Si nos referimos a un sustantivo singular y por lo general incontable utilizaremos LITTLE, por ejemplo:

little time poco tiempo
little information poca información
little sugar poca azúcar

En cambio si hacemos referencia a un sustantivo en plural y por lo tanto contable, entonces en ese caso utilizaremos FEW, por ejemplo:

few players pocos jugadores
few coins pocas monedas
few letters pocas cartas
Cabe señalar que en ambos casos puede ir precedido por el artículo determinado «A» con lo cual se obtiene un significado más positivo expresando que «poco es mejor que nada» o «que es más de lo que se espera», por ejemplo:

There is a little information in the Internet
about the topic.
Hay un poco de información en Internet
acerca del tema.
(Significa que lo «poco» que hay es mejor que nada y puede ser de utilidad)

A few fans attended the concert under the rain.
Unos pocos admiradores asistieron al concierto debajo de la lluvia.
(Significa que los «pocos» que fueron eran más de los esperados)

Sin embargo, si se coloca LITTLE y FEW sin estar precedido por el artículo determinado «A» se obtiene un significado más negativo y contundente, por ejemplo:

The secretary has little will to do her job.
La secretaria tiene poca voluntad para hacer su trabajo.
(En este caso refleja negativamente un aspecto de esa persona)

There are few books at the Public Library.
Hay pocos libros en la Biblioteca Pública.
(Aquí también expresamos una situación negativa)

Solución del ejercicio sobre el uso de Little or Few

Si ya has completado estas oraciones con LITTLE y FEW te proponemos que verifiques tus respuestas con la siguiente solución:

  1. I would like to make a few sandwiches for the picnic.
  2. The few people who went to the concert, enjoyed it.
  3. The students did little progress during this year.
  4. His few friends went to my father’s funeral.
  5. My girlfriend has little interest in going to the wedding with me.
  6. The teacher asked them a few questions.
  7. Susan speaks a little french.
  8. Only few students passed the difficult exam.

  1. My boyfriend gave me a few flowers.
  2. Tom always borrows a little money from his friends.
  3. My sister has little will to do the home chores.
  4. The president’s speech only said few words.
  5. Sarah should take a little exercise every day to keep fit.
  6. We will go to the mountain for a few days.
  7. My father has little sense of humor.
  8. Michael had few opportunities to practise for the job.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Futuro Perfecto (Future Perfect) (2)

Para que ejercitaras sobre el Futuro Perfecto te proponíamos que colocaras en estas oraciones el verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis en su forma correcta. Luego debías reescribirlas en interrogativo y negativo. Si ya lo has hecho… aquí tienes la solución:

  1. She will have bought an umbrella by the time it begins raining.
    Will she have bought an umbrella by the time it begins raining?
    She will not have bought an umbrella by the time it begins raining.
  2. By the time you arrive, I will have spent all the money.
    Will I have spent all the money by the time you arrive?
    By the time you arrive, I will not have spent all the money.
  3. The students will have understood the exercises before the weekend.
    Will the students have understood the exercises before the weekend?
    The students will not have understood the exercises before the weekend.
  4. Alice will have bought a new car by the end of October.
    Will Alice have bought a new car by the end of October?
    Alice will not have bought a new car by the end of October.
  5. By the time she moves to Europe, my sister will have had a baby.
    Will my sister have had a baby by the time she moves to Europe?
    By the time she moves to Europe, my sister will not have had a baby.
  6. They will have repaired the car by the time you come back.
    Will they have repaired the car by the time you come back?
    They will not have repaired the car by the time you come back.
  7. She will have done her homework by the end of the day.
    Will she have done her homework by the end of the day?
    She will not have done her homework by the end of the day.
  8. I will have called the police before the thieves leave the bank.
    Will I have called the police before the thieves leave the bank?
    I will not have called the police before the thieves leave the bank.
  9. Before the train leaves my father will have taken us to the station.
    Will my father have taken us to the station before the train leaves?
    Before the train leaves, my father will not have taken us to the station.
  10. By 6 o’clock we will have won the championship.
    Will we have won the championship by 6 o’clock?
    By 6 o’clock we will not have won the championship.

  1. Before the weekend, I will have cleaned the house.
    Will I have cleaned the house before the weekend?
    Before the weekend I will not have cleaned the house.
  2. By the next year you will have forgotten your problems.
    Will you have forgotten your problems by the next year?
    By the next year you will have forgotten your problems.
  3. Before this evening, your boss will have called you several times.
    Will your boss have called you several times?
    Your boss will not have called you several times.
  4. My brother will have walked 5 miles by the time you meet him.
    Will my brother have walked 5 miles by the time you meet him?
    My brother will not have walked 5 miles by the time you meet him.
  5. Before John tells me the truth, I will have known it.
    Will I have known the truth before John tells me it?
    Before John tells me the truth, I will not have known it.
  6. You will have sung at the theatre by 8 o’clock.
    Will you have sung at the theatre by 8 o’clock?
    You will not have sung at the theatre by 8 o’clock.
  7. We will have earned a lot of money by the end of September.
    Will we have earned a lot of money by the end of September?
    We will not have earned a lot of money by the end of September.
  8. Before he asks for the document, you will have given it to him.
    Will you have given to him the document before he asks it?
    Before he asks for the document, you will have given it to him.
  9. I will have thought a solution by the time you go away.
    Will I have thought a solution by the time you go away?
    I will not have thought a solution by the time you go away.
  10. Before this afternoon, they will have lent you the money.
    Will they have lent you the money before this afternoon?
    Before this afternoon they will not have lent you the money.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Futuro Perfecto (Future Perfect Tense)

Luego de haber aprendido el Futuro Perfecto y de haber realizado este ejercicio donde debías colocar la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis, puedes verificar si lo has hecho bien con la siguiente solución:

    1. Before her birthday, we will have bought the gifts.
      Will we have bought the gifts before her birthday?
      Before her birthday, we will not have bought the gifts.
    1. By the end of December I will have finished the school.
      Will I have finished the school by the end of December?
      By the end of December I will not have finished the school.
    1. Before 8 o’clock, I will have drunk two coffees.
      Will I have drunk two coffees before 8 o’clock?
      Before 8 o’clock, I will not have drunk two coffees.
    1. By the end of Spring she will have got thin 2 pounds.
      Will she have got thin 2 pounds by the end of Spring?
      By the end of Spring she will not have got thin 2 pounds.
    1. She will have approved the test before the holidays.
      Will she have approved the test before the holidays?
      She will not have approved the test before the holidays.
    1. Before the weekend, we will have travelled to Chicago.
      Will we have travelled to Chicago before the weekend?
      Before the weekend, we will not have travelled to Chicago.
    1. They will have not studied the lesson by this afternoon.
      Will not they have studied the lesson by this afternoon?
      They will have studied the lesson by this afternoon.
    1. They will have understood the translation before tomorrow.
      Will they have understood the translation before tomorrow?
      They will not have understood the translation before tomorrow.
    1. Susan and Brian will have organized a party, before Tom gets home.
      Will Susan and Brian have organized a party before Tom gets home?
      Susan and Brian will not have organized a party before Tom gets home.
  1. By the end of the weekl I will have paid all the debts.
    Will I have paid all the debts by the end of the week?
    I will not have paid all the debts by the end of the week.

    1. By the end of April she will have got married Tom.
      Will she have got married Tom by the end of April?
      By the end of April she will not have got married Tom.
    1. By the end of the trial, the police will have sent the man to prison.
      Will the police have sent the man to prison by the end of the trial?
      By the end of the trial, the police will not have sent the man to prison.
    1. You will have learnt the exercises before the term test.
      Will you have learnt the exercises before the term test?
      You will not have learnt the exercises before the term test.
    1. By the time you left you will have seen all the historic places.
      Will you have seen all the historic places by the time you left?
      By the time you left you will not have seen all the historic places.
    1. By the time we arrive to the concert, the play will have started.
      Will the play have started by the time we arrive to the concert?
      By the time we arrive to the concert, the play will not have started.
    1. Before 12 o’clock, he will have signed the contract.
      Will he have signed the contract before 12 o’clock?
      Before 12 o’clock, he will not have signed the contract.
    1. Alice and Michael will have found a new job by this evening.
      Will Alice and Michael have found a new job by this evening?
      Alice and Michael will not have found a new job by this evening.
    1. You will have sold your house by the time you have moved to Seattle.
      Will you have sold your house by the time you have moved to Seattle?
      You will not have sold your house by the time you have moved to Seattle.
    1. My mother will have watered the plants by the time it begins rainning.
      Will my mother have watered the plants by the time it begins rainning?
      My mother will not have watered the plants by the time it begins rainning.
  1. By the time they get home, we will have driven100 kilometres.
    Will we have driven 100 kilometres by the time they get home?
    By the time they get home, we will have driven 100 kilometres.

Solución del ejercicio sobre el uso de Much or Many

¿Ya completaste estas frases utilizando MUCH y MANY?… Si ya lo has hecho, verifica si tus respuestas son correctas con la siguiente solución:

    1. I have eaten so many ice-cream cones.
    1. We need many employees for the company.
    1. There are many accidents in this street.
    1. Have you had many cars in your life?
    1. Many exercises were very difficult.
    1. You didn’t do so much effort.
    1. I have many questions to ask you.
    1. Many workers took part in the new project.
    1. Paris has many places to visit.
  1. I have read many novels during the summer.

    1. So much wine were spoilt in the carpet.
    1. Many men were injured in the accident.
    1. There was so much rain last night during the concert.
    1. You can find much information in those books.
    1. You can do the exercise in many different ways.
    1. Many students hate doing the homework.
    1. Is there much milk in that carton?
    1. So many people know about your activities.
    1. It is necessary to have so much knowledge to solve the problem.
  1. I have lived in England for many years.

Solución del ejercicio sobre el uso de Little or Few (2)

Si ya has realizado este ejercicio sobre el uso de LITTLE y FEW verifica que lo hayas hecho de la manera correcta chequeando tus respuestas con la siguiente solución:

    1. We have eaten just a few carrots and tomatoes.
    1. Desert plants need little water to survive.
    1. There were few seats left in the stadium.
    1. I said a little pray for you at the church.
    1. The woman bought a few small articles.
    1. You will need little practice to pass the test.
    1. I need just a few classes to learn the lesson.
  1. You should take a little risk in your business.

    1. Nadal has little hope of winning this match.
    1. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dress in the shop.
    1. Sam’s friend gave him few presents for his birthday.
    1. There is only little wine in that bottle.
    1. After greeting the authorities, a few local people took the president to the new hospital.
    1. The man had drunk little whisky at the bar.
    1. I need a little time to think about the problem.
  1. Just a few workers went on strike.

Ejercicios: Little or Few? (2)

Continúa ejercitando sobre el correcto uso de LITTLE y FEW completando las siguientes oraciones con little, few, a little y a few:

    1. We have eaten just a ………. carrots and tomatoes.
    1. Desert plants need ………. water to survive.
    1. There were ………. seats left in the stadium.
    1. I said a ………. pray for you at the church.
    1. The woman bought a ………. small articles.
    1. You will need ………. practice to pass the test.
    1. I need just a ………. classes to learn the lesson.
  1. You should take a ………. risk in your business.

    1. Nadal has ………. hope of winning this match.
    1. After a ………. time, she chose one of the most expensive dress in the shop.
    1. Sam’s friend gave him ………. presents for his birthday.
    1. There is only ………. wine in that bottle.
    1. After greeting the authorities, a ………. local people took the president to the new hospital.
    1. The man had drunk ………. whisky at the bar.
    1. I need a ………. time to think about the problem.
  1. Just a ………. workers went on strike.


Solución del ejercicio sobre Some or Any (2)

¿Ya has completado estas oraciones utilizando correctamente SOME y ANY?… Verifica tus respuestas con la siguiente solución:

    1. Do you have any paper clips in the box?
    1. Some book will give you the answer.
    1. My son has to write some essays for tomorrow.
    1. He could hardly give any evidence.
    1. I brought some extra pencils for you.
    1. Some doctor will tell you that smoking is bad.
    1. There were some valuable paintings in the room.
    1. My sister speaks some French.
    1. You have some exercises to do tonight.
  1. Some of my friends are coming to visit me.

    1. I’d like to make a sandwich but there isn’t any bread.
    1. If you have some problem, just call me.
    1. I don’t want any pets in my house.
    1. Some of the questions were very difficult.
    1. There were some bugs on the pizza.
    1. Some of the books are broken.
    1. I couldn’t use any technique to solve the problem.
    1. Some plants need a lot of water.
    1. I haven’t got any idea about what happened yesterday.
  1. I didn’t understand any of the lectures.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Futuro Perfecto (Future Perfect)(3)

En esta ocasión te entregamos la solución del ejercicio sobre el Futuro Perfecto en el cual debías colocar la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis y luego reescribirlas en interrogativo y negativo:

    1. He will have fished for hours by this night.
      Will he have fished for hours by this night?
      He will not have fished for hours by this night.
    1. The kids will have broken the piano before my sister plays it.
      Will the kids have broken the piano before my sister plays it?
      The kids will not have broken the piano before my sister plays it.
    1. I will have paid the debts by the time you get the money.
      Will I have paid the debts by the time you get the money?
      I will not have paid the debts by the time you get the money.
    1. Before 9 o’clock, my parents will have visited me.
      Will my parents have visited me before 9 o’clock?
      Before 9 o’clock, my parents will not have visited me.
    1. By tomorrow morning I will have advised them to stay at home.
      Will I have advised them to stay at home by tomorrow morning?
      By tomorrow morning I will not have advised them to stay at home.
    1. By the end of the month, she will have decoratedher new house.
      Will she have decorated her new house by the end of the mouth?
      By the end of the month, she will not have decorated her new house.
    1. I will have understood the problem by the time you explain it.
      Will I have understood the problem by the time you explain it?
      I will not have understood the problem by the time you explain it.
    1. Before the meeting ends, he will have interruptedseveral times.
      Will he have interrupted several times before the meeting ends?
      Before the meeting ends, he will not have interrupted several times.
    1. Before New Year’s Eve, a crowd of people will have gathered in the square.
      Will a crowd of people have gathered in the square before New Year’s Eve?
      Before New Year’s Eve, a crowd of people will not have gathered in the square.
  1. Before he leaves the room he will have turned offthe radio.
    Will he have turned off the radio before he leaves the room?
    Before he leaves the room he will not have turned off the radio.

    1. Before this afternoon, the postman will have delivered the letters.
      Will the postman have delivered the letters before this afternoon?
      Before this afternoon, the postman will not have delivered the letters.
    1. By the time you arrive to New York, you will have felt better.
      Will you have felt better by the time you arrive to New York?
      By the time you arrive to New York, you will not have felt better.
    1. Before you start to complain about your problems, hewill have gone.
      Will he have gone before you start to complain about your problems?
      Before you start to complain about your problems, he will not have gone.
    1. By Christmas’ Eve you will have received the gifts.
      Will you have received the gifts by Christmas’ Eve?
      By Christmas’ Eve you will not have received the gifts.
    1. By tomorrow afternoon they will have set a new record.
      Will they have set a new record by tomorrow afternoon?
      By tomorrow afternoon they will not have set a new record.
    1. By the end of the next year they will have finishedthe new building.
      Will they have finished the new building by the end of the next year?
      By the end of the next year they will not have finished the new building.
    1. Before visitors arrive, the workers will have cleaned the streets.
      Will the workers have cleaned the streets before visitors arrive?
      Before visitors arrive, the workers will not have cleaned the streets.
    1. Frank will have lent you the book by the time you read it.
      Will Frank have lent you the book by the time you read it?
      Frank will not have lent you the book by the time you read it.
    1. By the weekend, you will have translated the documents.
      Will you have translated the documents by the weekend?
      By the weekend, you will not have translated the documents.
  1. The boy will have delivered the products before you call the market again.
    Will the boy have delivered the products before you call the market again?
    The boy will not have delivered the products before you call the market again.