Ejercicios: Futuro Perfecto (Future Perfect Tense)

Luego de haber aprendido el Futuro Perfecto, puedes ejercitarte colocando en las siguientes oraciones la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis. Es importante que luego las reescribas en interrogativo y negativo:

    1. Before her birthday, we (buy) …………… the gifts.
    1. By the end of December I (finish) …………… the school.
    1. Before 8 o’clock, I (drink) …………… two coffees.
    1. By the end of Spring she (get thin) …………. 2 pounds.
    1. She (approve) …………… the test before the holidays.
    1. Before the weekend, we (travel) …………… to Chicago.
    1. They (not/study) …………… the lesson by this afternoon.
    1. They (undestand) …………… the translation before tomorrow.
    1. Susan and Brian (organize) ………….. a party, before Tom gets home.
  1. By the end of the weekl I (pay) ………….. all the debts.

    1. By the end of April she (get marry) ………….. Tom.
    1. By the end of the trial, the police (send) …………… the man to prison.
    1. You (learn) …………… the exercises before the term test.
    1. By the time you left you (see) …………… all the historic places.
    1. By the time we arrive to the concert, the play (start) …………….
    1. Before 12 o’clock, he (sign) …………… the contract.
    1. Alice and Michael (find) ……………. a new job by this evening.
    1. You (sell) …………… your house by the time you have moved to Seattle.
    1. My mother (water) …………… the plants by the time it begins rainning.
  1. By the time they get home, we (drive) …………… 100 kilometres.