Exercises: Adverbs of Place II (Adverbios de Lugar)

Continúa ejercitando sobre Adverbs (Adverbios) reordenando las siguientes oraciones que contienen adverbios de lugar y ubicándolos en su posición correcta:


    1. Spain / enjoyed / in / father / last / the / a / year / My / bullfight
    1. shop / I / the / met / outside / mother / my
    1. five / has / brother / bank / My / the / in / spent / years
    1. club / new / A / tonight / DJ / playing / is / the / in
    1. paintings / museum / artists / The / at / showed / at / their
    1. St. Paul’s Cathedral / married / will / Jennifer / Michael / and / get / at
    1. plants / gardener / watering / The / park / is / the / the / in
  1. Jamaica / Larice / travelled / Peter / to / and / honeymoon / their / in

    1. yesterday / helicopter / The / airport / the / arrived / at
    1. missing / found / The / children / railway / the / station / police / at / by / was / the
    1. I / I / Royal Hotel / stayed / when / at / London / the / visited
    1. gold / workmen / sticking / tape / The / bands / ugly / of / doors / the / glass / were / on
    1. office / post / I / letters / have / pick up / to / the / in / the
    1. dentist / town / see / Sam / must / a / the / in
    1. accident / Yesterday / terrible / scientists / laboratory / the / some / a / in / had
  1. curtains / room / have / my / I / put / in / new


Exercises: Adverbs of Manner II (Adverbios de Modo)

Para que continúes ejercitando sobre Adverbs (Adverbios) te proponemos que reescribas las siguientes oraciones desordenadas que contienen adverbios de modo en su orden correcto. Recuerda colocar el adverbio en su posición correspondiente:

    1. freely / office / can / In / new / my / job / I / work
    1. accused / The / was / wrongly / prisoner
    1. job / qualified / highly / for / John / is / that / of / kind
    1. patient / friendly / The / spoke / nurse / the / to
    1. painted / window / The / badly / is
    1. studying / is / Tommy / the / living room / in / quietly
    1. in / snowing / the / It / heavily / is / up / mountain
  1. very / doesn’t / nephew / My / clearly / speak

    1. decision / his / The / fireman / suddenly / made
    1. for / waiting / his / impatienly / Mark / girlfriend / was
    1. the / point / me / called / boss / went / My / and / to / directly
    1. sick / motherly / aunt / My / a / in / I / way / when / behaved / was
    1. shyly / staff / The / spoke / manager / the / to / new
    1. about / deeply / is / the / economic / father / measures / new / concerned / My
    1. her / her / love / trully / in / friend / Sheila / that / found / is / with
  1. chosen / you / flowers / This / of / bunch / specially / was / for


Caso Genitivo o Posesivo

Este recurso gramatical es de gran utilidad dentro del idioma inglés dado que se trata de una manera abreviada de expresar posesión, es decir, indicar «a quién le pertenece algo». Se construye de acuerdo a la siguiente estructura:




Por ejemplo:


Peter’s room (El dormitorio de Peter)
Sally’s toys (Los juguetes de Sally)

Existen numerosas reglas para establecer la forma posesiva de un sustantivo como veremos a continuación:

  • Se añade ‘S a sustantivos singulares, por ejemplo:
Jennifer’s dress (El vestido de Jennifer)
the student’s book (El libro del estudiante)
  • No se utiliza ‘S cuando se trata de nombres propios finalizados en S. En este caso sólo se debe colocar el apóstrofe al final de la palabra ( ‘ ), por ejemplo:
Isis’ Temple (El Templo de Isis)
Sophocles’ plays (Las obras de Sófocles)
  • Los sustantivos plurales que no forman su plural añadiendo una S a la palabra, establecen el Caso Posesivo agregándole ‘S, por ejemplo:
The firemen’s association (La asociación de bomberos)
The women’s hospital (El hospital de mujeres)
  • Si el sustantivo es propio o monosilábico y finaliza en un sonido en el cual no se puede añadir ‘S en la mísma sílaba, entonces en este caso el ‘S forma una sílaba adicional, por ejemplo:
horse’s – Charle’s – fox’s
  • Cuando dos o más sustantivos poseen el mismo objeto se añade ‘S al último sustantivo, por ejemplo:
John and Brian’s brother lives in Canada.
El hermano de John y Brian vive en Canadá.
  • Si dos o más sustantivos poseen un objeto de la misma clase, en ese caso se añade ‘S a cada uno, por ejemplo:
Tommy’s and Michael’s books are on the table.
Los libros de Tommy y Michael están sobre la mesa.
  • En el caso de utilizar un sustantivo compuesto debe añadirse ‘S al último de sus componentes, por ejemplo:
My mother-in-law’s sister will come to England.
La hermana de mi suegra vendrá a Inglaterra.
  • Finalmente, cuando el poseedor está representado por un número de palabras -como puede ser el nombre de una empresa-, debe llevar ‘S el último de sus componentes, por ejemplo:
Wilkinson & Thompson’s furnitures
(Muebles de Wilkinson y Thompson)

Exercises: Adverbs of Place (Adverbios de Lugar)

En esta oportunidad te traemos más ejercicios sobre Adverbs (Adverbios). En este caso te proponemos que reescribas las siguientes oraciones desordenadas que contienen adverbios de lugar en su orden correcto. Recuerda colocar el adverbio en su posición correspondiente:

    1. at / I / meet / will / think / you / concert / tonight / the / I
    1. while / Catherine / been / in / crying / her / has / a / office / for
    1. week / decided / next / Michael / London / to / to / travel
    1. must / home / it / In / stay / case / rains / you / at
    1. live / used / Sharon / to / California / in
    1. in / market / bought / Samantha / delicious / the / a / cake
    1. to / took / hospital / my / yesterday / I / sister / the
  1. debts / pay / brother / has / My / to / bank / the / some / in

    1. in / found / night / wallet / street / last / the / I / a
    1. some / went / I / afternoon / shopping / buy / clothes / yesterday / to / centre / the / some / to
    1. United States / travel / to / decided / President / to / the
    1. bus / woman / the / screaming / A / was / strange / in
    1. roommate / keys / My / the / forgot / in / taxi / his
    1. car / Carl / garden / washing / is / the / the / in
    1. abbandoned / catch / inside / police / The / could / factory / thieves / an / the
  1. won’t / back / I / studio / tonight / go / the / to

Solución del ejercicio de revisión: Reported Speech VIII (Lenguaje Indirecto)

¿Has podido realizar el pasaje de estas frases a reported speech o lenguaje indirecto?… Entonces verifica que lo hayas hecho correctamente con la siguiente solución:

    1. My friend asked me if I had wanted to be an engineer.
    1. Tony said he had found a new job near the school.
    1. The coach asked if the other team had won the match.
    1. The dentist asked us if we could give him the new tools.
    1. Peter told me he had sent me a lot of letters.
    1. Jane asked if Timmy had fixed the breakfast.
    1. My brother inquired where I have been after class.
  1. Susan wanted to know if we had given him his money back.

    1. Mike asked what kind of flowers I wanted to give her.
    1. The president affirmed that the new economic measures were very risky.
    1. The students inquired if they had to study the new topic for the test.
    1. My roommate asked when the job interview was.
    1. My boss ordered to not be late again.
    1. My friend announced that the party was going to be in the club.
    1. The president asked who that old man was.
  1. The trainer asked me if I had tried to do the exercise without help.

Review Exercise: Reported Speech VIII (Lenguaje Indirecto)

Si has comprendido bien el uso de reported speech o lenguaje indirecto, entonces seguramente estarás en condiciones de realizar el ejercicio que aquí te proponemos:

    1. “Did you want to be an engineer, Billy?”, my friend asked me.
    1. Tony said: “I found a new job near the school”.
    1. The coach asked: “Did the other team win the match?”
    1. The dentist asked us: “Can you give me the new tools?”
    1. “I have sent you a lot of letters”, Peter told me.
    1. “Timmy has fixed the breakfast?”, Jane asked.
    1. “Where have you been after class?”, my brother inquired.
  1. “Have you given him his money back?”, Susan wanted to know.

    1. “What kind of flowers do you want to give her?», Mike asked.
    1. “The new economic measures are very risky”, the President affirmed.
    1. “Do we have to study the new topic for the test?”, the students inquired.
    1. My roommate asked: “When is the job interview?”
    1. “Don’t be late again”, my boss ordered.
    1. “The party is going to be in the club”, my friend announced.
    1. “Who is that old man?”, the president asked.
  1. The trainer asked me: “Did you try to do the exercise without help?”


Review Exercise: Verb Tenses (Revisión: Tiempos Verbales) VII

Si te ha quedado alguna duda sobre los tiempos verbales explicados, puedes ejercitarte completando el siguiente texto con los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis en la forma que corresponde. Si lo deseas luego puedes traducirlo al español.

The Fashion Empire of Chanel (be) …………… one of the

most glamorous empires over the world and the genius

behind it (be) …………… Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel,

also known as Coco Chanel. In spite of her fame, she

(not dream) …………… of becoming such an important

designer. Before entering the fashion world, she (dance)

…………… , (attempt) …………… to be an actress,

(sell) …………… hosiery, (ride) …………… horses,

and even (work)…………… as a cabaret singer. She (open)

…………… her first millinery store in 1909 in Paris.

With Chanel’s obsessive dedication and Etienne Balsan

-a playboy who (finance) …………… her-, the store

(become) …………… a success, and now it (be)

…………… placed among the most profitable fashion

houses of all time.

Review Exercise: Oraciones Condicionales – Segundo Tipo (III)

Si los ejercicios de repaso sobre oraciones condicionales de segundo tipo te han resultado pocos, aquí traemos más frases para que completes con el verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis en su tiempo correcto:

  1. My wife (prepare) ……………….. a delicious dessert if friends (come) ……………….. to dinner.
  2. If my father (be) ………………. here, he (protect) ………………. us.
  3. You (spend) ……………….. so much if you (travel) ……………….. by plane.
  4. If I (live) ……………….. in London, I (speak) ……………….. English fluently.
  5. My boyfriend (invite) ……………….. me to the mountains on the weekend if I (not work) ………………..
  6. If my husband (work) ……………….. in Brazil, I (go) ……………….. to live there.
  7. George’s grandfather (be able) ……………….. to walk faster if he (be) ……………….. a young man.
  8. If I (be) ……………….. you, I (ask) ……………….. him for a contribution.

  1. If I (have) ……………….. a PC, I (send) ……………….. you an e-mail.
  2. My mother (let) ……………….. me go to the party if I (get) ……………….. a good mark in maths.
  3. If John’s sister only (eat) ……………….. fruits, she (get) ……………….. thin.
  4. They (not mind) ……………….. to work after hours if they (get) ……………….. a good salary.
  5. If Sam (not live) ………………. so far away, I (visit) ………………. him more often.
  6. We (leam) ……………….. a lot from our teacher if she (speak) ……………….. slower.
  7. If Robert (have) ……………….. a chance, he (change) ……………….. his job.
  8. I (fix) ……………….. the roof on the weekend if the weather (be) ……………….. hot.

Solución del ejercicio de revisión: Tiempos Verbales VI

Si ya has ejercitado sobre los tiempos verbales completando el siguiente texto con los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis en su forma correcta y luego lo has traducido al español, puedes verificar tus respuestas con la solución que te ofrecemos a continuación:

Sarah Thompson won u$s 3 million on the

national lottery in November 1997. During

that night, while she was waiting

for her husband to come from a soccer match,

she had a party with all

her friends and neighbours. However, some months

later she was not very excited

because she spent most of the

time worrying what to do with the money and

wondering how the neighbours would react

to her family. Although the prize helped

her to pay some debts, she

thinks that it would have been

better if she had not won, because

she was very happy before winning

and now she has new troubles

to deal with.

Sarah Thompson ganó 3 millones de dólares en la lotería nacional en noviembre de 1997. Durante aquella noche, mientras ella estaba esperando a su esposo que viniera de un partido de fútbol, ella tuvo una fiesta con todos sus amigos y vecinos. Sin embargo, algunos meses más tarde ella no estubo muy excitada porque pasó gran parte del tiempo preocupándose por que hacer con el dinero y pensando como sus vecinos reaccionarían con su familia. Aunque el premio le ayudó a pagar algunas deudas, ella piensa que hubiese sido mejor si ella no lo hubiese ganado, porque ella era muy feliz antes de ganar y ahora tiene nuevos problemas para enfrentar.

Review Exercise: Verb Tenses (Revisión: Tiempos Verbales) VI

Te proponemos que repases algunos de los temas que ya hemos explicado y para ello debes completar el siguiente texto con los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis en el tiempo verbal que corresponde. Si lo deseas luego puedes traducirlo al español.

Sarah Thompson (win) …………… u$s 3 million on the

national lottery in November 1997. During

that night, while she (wait) ……………

for her husband to come from a soccer match,

she (have) …………… a party with all

her friends and neighbours. However, some months

later she (not be) …………… very excited

because she (spend) …………… most of the

time worrying what to do with the money and

wondering how the neighbours (react) ……………

to her family. Although the prize (help)

…………… her to pay some debts, she

(think) …………… that it (be) ……………

better if she (not win) …………… , because

she (be) …………… very happy before winning

and now she (have) …………… new troubles

to deal with.