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Question Tags

Se llaman «Question Tags» en el idioma inglés a una frase que se añade a la parte principal de la oración con el objeto de que el receptor exprese una opinión o comentario, o simplemente confirmar lo que se dijo en la oración anterior. Por ejemplo:

He is a good doctor, isn’t he?
Él es un buen doctor, no?

Mary can’t explain the lesson, can she?
Mary no puede explicar la lección, no?

Una «Question Tag» está compuesta de dos partes:

  • el auxiliar determinado por el tiempo verbal de la oración principal que debe estar en su forma negativa si el verbo principal está en afirmativo o viceversa
  • y el pronombre determinado por el sujeto.Ten en cuenta que cuando el sujeto de la oración está compuesto por otras palabras, en la question tag se debe reemplazar por el pronombre que le corresponda.

Por ejemplo:

She likes apples, doesn’t she?

Observen en este caso: la «question tag» establecida como «doesn’t she» está compuesta por el auxiliar DOES dado que la oración se encuentra en Presente Simple y en su forma negativa ya que el verbo principal está en modo afirmativo, seguido por el pronombre.

Veamos otro ejemplo:

My brother is not studying the lesson, is he?

En este caso la «question tag» establecida como «is he» está compuesta por el verbo auxiliar IS (to be) dado que la oración se encuentra en Presente Continuo y en su forma afirmativa ya que el verbo principal está en modo negativo, seguido por el pronombre.

Ejercicios: Question Tags

En el siguiente ejercicio te proponemos que completes las frases con sus correspondientes Question tags:


    1. He always loses money, ………………..?
    1. My father took the keys, ………………..?
    1. He lives in London, ………………..?
    1. It is very cold, ………………..?
    1. We are not going to sleep, ………………..?
    1. Your brother was very sorry, ………………..?
    1. They want to sell their house, ………………..?
    1. Your mother enjoyed the opera last night, ………………..?
    1. This is a beautiful house, ………………..?
  1. My sister never writes letters, ………………..?

    1. My cousin was wearing rubber boots, ………………..?
    1. You can not see that notice, ………………..?
    1. Jennifer was very surprised, ………………..?
    1. Tommy will be in Paris tomorrow, ………………..?
    1. Workers will go on strike the next week, ………………..?
    1. It is not a new car, ………………..?
    1. John did not learn English, ………………..?
    1. We are going to rent an apartment, ………………..?
    1. Susan broke her glasses, ………………..?
  1. The salesman showed an expensive dress, ………………..?


Ejercicios: Active Voice to Passive Voice IV (Voz Activa a Voz Pasiva)

¿Has comprendido el uso de la Voz Pasiva dentro del idioma inglés?… Comprueba tus conocimientos convirtiendo las siguientes frases pasivas en oraciones activas. Recuerda que debes realizar el procedimiento inverso.

  1. My luggage was stolen by somebody.
  2. A beautiful song was sung last night by Peter.
  3. A lovely sweater is being knit by Sue’s grandmother.
  4. More information for her essay is needed by Monique.
  5. Money was saved for years by me.
  6. A party was organized last night by us.
  7. A wheel was being changed by Alan.
  8. The phone is always answered by the receptionist.
  9. The bridge was built in 1972 by the workers.
  10. A beautiful picture is hung above the fireplace by me.

  1. A hamburger is going to be had for lunch by Jim.
  2. The thieves will be arrested by the police.
  3. Several kinds of boxes are collected by my mother.
  4. A nice carpet in the office is set by the workers.
  5. The clothes were being ironed by my sister.
  6. Some books will be taken to his house by Fred.
  7. The lesson is going to be read by Grace.
  8. The price was not known by the salesman.
  9. An expensive fur coat was being worn by the actress.
  10. Their jobs are changed every year by people.

Ejercicios: Question Tags III

Completa cada frase eligiendo entre las opciones la correcta Question tag:

  1. Kate had not listened to the radio, ………………..?
    • does she?
    • didn’t Kate?
    • had she?

  2. Susan cleans her room everyday, ………………..?
    • doesn’t she?
    • is she?
    • does she?

  3. They would install a new PC at the office, ………………?
    • will they?
    • wouldn’t they?
    • aren’t they?

  4. Jane is going to have a baby, ………………..?
    • isn’t she?
    • did Jane?
    • doesn’t she?

  5. You have lunched two sandwiches, ………………..?
    • has you?
    • didn’t you?
    • haven’t you?

  6. Jennifer is crying upstairs, ………………..?
    • doesn’t she?
    • isn’t she?
    • will she?

  7. Frank did not go to the party, ………………..?
    • did he?
    • wasn’t he?
    • does he?

  8. My sister was looking for a new job, ………………..?
    • was my sister?
    • didn’t she?
    • wasn’t she?

  1. My cousin will be in Moscow tomorrow, ………………..?
    • would he?
    • won’t he?
    • is he?

  2. He had not worn that awful hat, ………………..?
    • hasn’t he?
    • isn’t he?
    • had he?

  3. Peter likes playing piano at school, ………………..?
    • did Peter?
    • doesn’t he?
    • hasn’t he?

  4. Workers are having a rest, ………………..?
    • were they?
    • do they?
    • aren’t they?

  5. The teacher sent a note to your parents, ………………?
    • didn’t she?
    • did he?
    • isn’t she?

  6. It was raining hard, ………………..?
    • isn’t it?
    • was it?
    • wasn’t it?

  7. Maxwell has borrowed me a ladder to clean the windows, ………………..?
    • hasn’t he?
    • had he?
    • didn’t he?

Solución del ejercicio sobre Voz Activa – Voz Pasiva

Si ya has realizado el siguiente ejercicio sobre Voz Pasiva comprueba que lo haya realizado correctamente con la solución que aquí te ofrecemos:

    1. Howard Carter discovered Tutankamon’s tomb.
    1. We spent all the money in the market.
    1. I lend Paul my house in the weekend.
    1. Children were finding some subjects boring.
    1. My parents could not feel the sensation.
    1. The smart woman bought modern hats.
    1. Mary had bought a box of chocolates for my birthday.
    1. Sally has promised me a big surprise.
    1. Brighton and Pam share the information.
  1. I accidentally damaged a parked car.

    1. Michael and Margaret give me a new pair of sunglasses.
    1. William is going to fix the fence.
    1. My parents-in-law have rented a new apartment in Paris.
    1. I have told your mother the truth.
    1. My boyfriend has given me a good advice.
    1. My secretary will ask your address and phone number.
    1. I lost my wallet this morning.
    1. The maid cleaned the bedrooms.
    1. The butler ordered a dozen of white roses for the guest.
  1. The boss has offered a new job to my father.

Ejercicios: Active Voice to Passive Voice (Voz Activa a Voz Pasiva)

Ya hemos explicado como se construye una oración en Voz Pasiva. Ahora, en el siguiente ejercicio, te proponemos que realices el procedimiento inverso convirtiendo estas frases pasivas en oraciones activas. Ten en cuenta colocar los verbos en su tiempo correcto.

    1. Tutankamon’s tomb was discovered by Howard Carter.
    1. All the money was spent in the market by us.
    1. My house was lent to Paul in the weekend by me.
    1. Some subjects were being found boring by children.
    1. The sensation could not be felt by my parents.
    1. Modern hats were bought by the smart woman.
    1. A box of chocolates had been bought for my birthday by Mary.
    1. A big surprise has been promised to me by Sally.
    1. The information is shared by Brighton and Pam.
  1. A parked car was accidentally damaged by me.

    1. A new pair of sunglasses is given to me by Michael and Margaret.
    1. The fence is going to be fixed by William.
    1. A new apartment has been rented in Paris by my parents-in-law.
    1. The truth has been told to your mother by me.
    1. A good advice has been given to me by my boyfriend.
    1. Your address and phone number will be asked to you by my secretary.
    1. My wallet was lost this morning by me.
    1. The bedrooms were cleaned by the maid.
    1. A dozen of white roses was ordered for the guest by the butler.
  1. A new job has been offered to my father by the boss.


Ejercicios: Question Tags IV

Completa cada frase eligiendo entre las opciones la correcta Question tag:

    1. The nurse has cleaned the surgery room, ………………..?
      • doesn’t she?
      • hasn’t she?
      • isn’t she?
    1. My neighbours want to buy a dog, ………………..?
      • didn’t they?
      • don’t they?
      • do they?
    1. My father allowed the children to play in the garden, ………………..?
      • is he?
      • hadn’t he?
      • didn’t he?
    1. You are considering the idea, ………………..?
      • are you?
      • aren’t you?
      • weren’t you?
    1. Mary was writing an interesting book, ………………..?
      • was she?
      • did Mary?
      • wasn’t she?
    1. We will fix the roof on Monday, ………………..?
      • wouldn’t we?
      • won’t we?
      • weren’t we?
  1. George would not help his brother, ………………..?
    • won’t George?
    • would he?
    • will he?

    1. Axel and Kevin will not drink beer at the party, ………………..?
      • didn’t they?
      • don’t they?
      • will they?
    1. Pupils had not done the homework, ………………..?
      • have they?
      • had they?
      • haven’t they?
    1. The boss does not sign the contract, ………………..?
      • does he?
      • did he?
      • is he?
    1. The dog bite you, ………………..?
      • doesn’t it?
      • didn’t it?
      • isn’t it?
    1. Mike is singing badly, ………………..?
      • wasn’t he?
      • is Mike?
      • isn’t he?
    1. John is not going to explain his problem, ………………..?
      • won’t he?
      • was he?
      • is he?
    1. Ann and Mike have not gone to work this morning, ………………..?
      • hadn’t they?
      • weren’t they?
      • have they?
  1. The secretary had ordered the papers, ………………..?
    • does she?
    • hadn’t she?
    • didn’t she?

Solución del ejercicio sobre Question Tags III

Aquí te ofrecemos la solución del siguiente ejercicio sobre Question tags. Verifica que hayas escogido la correcta:

    1. Kate had not listened to the radio, had she?
      • does she?
      • didn’t Kate?
      • had she?
    1. Susan cleans her room everyday, doesn’t she?
      • doesn’t she?
      • is she?
      • does she?
    1. They would install a new PC at the office, wouldn’t they?
      • will they?
      • wouldn’t they?
      • aren’t they?
    1. Jane is going to have a baby, isn’t she?
      • isn’t she?
      • did Jane?
      • doesn’t she?
    1. You have lunched two sandwiches, haven’t you?
      • have you?
      • didn’t you?
      • haven’t you?
    1. Jennifer is crying upstairs, isn’t she?
      • doesn’t she?
      • isn’t she?
      • will she?
    1. Frank did not go to the party, did he?
      • did he?
      • wasn’t he?
      • does he?
  1. My sister was looking for a new job, wasn’t she?
    • was my sister?
    • didn’t she?
    • wasn’t she?

    1. My cousin will be in Moscow tomorrow, won’t he?
      • would he?
      • won’t he?
      • is he?
    1. He had not worn that awful hat, had he?
      • hasn’t he?
      • isn’t he?
      • had he?
    1. Peter likes playing piano at school, doesn’t he?
      • did Peter?
      • doesn’t he?
      • hasn’t he?
    1. Workers are having a rest, aren’t they?
      • were they?
      • do they?
      • aren’t they?
    1. The teacher sent a note to your parents, didn’t she?
      • didn’t she?
      • did he?
      • isn’t she?
    1. It was raining hard, wasn’t it?
      • isn’t it?
      • was it?
      • wasn’t it?
  1. Maxwell has borrowed me a ladder to clean the windows, hasn’t he?
    • hasn’t he?
    • had he?
    • didn’t he?


Solución del ejercicio de Voz Pasiva III

Verifica con la siguiente solución que hayas realizado correctamente este ejercicio sobre Voz Pasiva:

  1. A new mobile phone was being bought by him.
  2. The lesson is not explained by the teacher.
  3. A new computer was ordered by Ron and me.
  4. The baby is being taken care by Peter’s sister.
  5. Our holidays were being planed by us.
  6. Mexican food will be tasted tonight by us.
  7. The garden is going to be watered by my mother.
  8. The newspaper has been bought this morning by Mr. Thompson.
  9. My old car had been sold to my boss by me.
  10. A delicious dessert is being prepared by my mother.

  1. A delicious pizza had been eaten in Italy by us.
  2. The truth is told to me by my son.
  3. The eggs were dropped on my doorstep by him.
  4. The trip is being found very exciting by her.
  5. The fence is going to be fixed by Jane.
  6. The roses will be delivered tomorrow by Pam’s boyfriend.
  7. A new wall is going to be built by the workers.
  8. Three e-mails has been received this afternoon by her.
  9. The mirror had been broken by the maid.
  10. The grass is cut every weeks by the gardener.

Solución del ejercicio de Voz Pasiva IV

¿Has realizado este ejercicio sobre Voz Pasiva?… Pues entonces te proponemos que verifiques tus frases con la siguiente solución:

  1. A beautiful picture of the Empire State Building was taken by Sarah.
  2. An excellent job at a bank is had by Sheyla.
  3. The papers were not brought by the secretary.
  4. A new carpet in the office is being set by John.
  5. The cows were milked at the farm by my grandfather.
  6. A taxi after the meeting will be taken by me.
  7. The movie is going to be seen by us.
  8. The glasses has been lost by Susan.
  9. His studies had been begun in Boston by him.
  10. Our neighbour has been bitten by the dog.

  1. The Louvre Museum in Paris will be visited by us.
  2. The ladder is lent to me by my neighbour.
  3. The bills were paid by Sally and Tom.
  4. The party is being enjoyed by my friends.
  5. The puppies were being fed by them.
  6. A baby will be had by Anne’s daughter.
  7. A new tree is going to be planted in the park by Michael.
  8. Enough money to buy a new flat have been saved by us.
  9. The homework had been already done by Tommy.
  10. The birthday’s present was thanked by my friend.