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Solución del ejercicio sobre Presente Continuo o Progresivo

Continuamos publicando la solución de ejercicios anteriores. En este caso te ofrecemos la manera correcta de completar las oraciones con el verbo colocado en Presente Continuo o Progresivo:

    1. It is raining in New York.
    1. Mary is cooking in her house.
    1. Peter and Susan are playing in the beach.
    1. My father is working in the garden.
    1. I am learning French.
    1. You are not studying math.
    1. My sister is eating at the restaurant.
    1. We are enjoying the party.
    1. They are not seeing the pictures.
  1. Is my mother talking to Jane?

    1. The children are visiting the Zoo.
    1. Mike is calling you.
    1. Robert and Alice are travelling to Europe.
    1. The dog is sleeping in the street.
    1. What are you doing?
    1. My grandfather is watching T.V.
    1. My friends are drinking at the bar.
    1. Lisa is painting her house.
    1. I am playing the guitar.
  1. The pupils are shouting in the park.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Presente Simple (Simple Present Tense)

Seguimos entregando soluciones de ejercicios sencillos que no habían sido publicadas con anterioridad. A continuación te ofrecemos la forma correcta de colocar el verbo de estas oraciones en Presente Simple:

    1. I travel to London every weeks. Yo viajo a Londres todas las semanas.
    1. They run in the park every Saturdays. Ellos corren en el parque todos los sábados.
    1. My mother cleans the house. Mi madre limpia la casa.
    1. You are a good student. Tú eres un buen estudiante.
    1. Mary works in a bank. Mary trabaja en un banco.
    1. John walks to his office. John camina a su oficina.
    1. You study English at school. Ustedes estudian inglés en la escuela.
    1. The dog breaks the fence. El perro rompe la cerca.
    1. The car is in the garage. El coche está en el garage.
  1. My father has a nice coat. Mi padre tiene un lindo saco.

    1. We live in Paris. Nosotros vivimos en París.
    1. George sells peaches and apples. George vendeduraznos y manzanas.
    1. I always visit my grandmother. Yo siempre visito a mi abuela.
    1. Alice goes to the church. Alicia va a la iglesia.
    1. They are my best friends. Ellos son mis mejores amigos.
    1. You always pay the tickets. Tú siempre pagas los boletos.
    1. London is a big and nice city. Londres es una ciudad linda y grande.
    1. My cousin paints the house. Mi primo pinta la casa.
    1. I study and work in Madrid. Yo estudio y trabajo en Madrid.
  1. Mike never does the homework. Mike nunca hace la tarea.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Pasado Simple

Mira las siguientes oraciones. Se trata de la manera correcta de resolver el ejercicio sobre Pasado Simple que te ofrecimos en otra oportunidad.


    1. She travelled by train to London.
      Ella viajó en tren a Londres.
      Did she travel by train to London?
      She did not travel by train to London.
    1. She cut the lettuce with a knife.
      Ella cortó la lechuga con un cuchillo.
      Did she cut the lettuce with a knife?
      She did not cut the lettuce with a knife.
    1. The film was boring.
      La película era aburrida.
      Was the film boring?
      The film was not boring.
    1. The president spoke very slow during the conference.
      El presidente habló muy despacio durante la conferencia.
      Did the president speak very slow during the conference?
      The president did not speak very slow during the conference.
    1. Sarah sang perfectly in the concert.
      Sarah cantó perfectamente en el concierto.
      Did Sarah sing perfectly in the concert?
      Sarah did not sing perfectly in the concert.
    1. Peter decided to paint the house blue.
      Peter decidió pintar la casa de azul.
      Did Peter decide to paint the house blue?
      Peter did not decide to paint the house blue.
    1. My mother had her birthday party last night.
      Mi madre tuvo su fiesta de cumpleaños anoche.
      Had my mother her birthday party last night?
      My mother had not her birthday party last night.
    1. The lawyer tried to convince the jury.
      El abogado trató de convencer al jurado.
      Did the lawyer try to convince the jury?
      The lawyer did not try to convince the jury.
    1. My dog bit Ann in her leg.
      Mi perro mordió a Ann en su pierna.
      Did my dog bite Ann in her leg?
      My dog did not bite Ann in her leg.
  1. I met John at the old restaurant last week.
    Yo conocí a John en el viejo restaurant la semana pasada.
    Did I meet John at the old restaurant last week?
    I did not meet John at the old restaurant last week.

    1. Charles watered the garden the last weekend.
      Charles regó el jardín el fin de semana pasado.
      Did Charles water the garden the last weekend?
      Charles did not water the garden the last weekend.
    1. The children watched TV the whole day yesterday.
      Los niños miraron TV todo el día ayer.
      Did the children watch TV the whole day yesterday?
      The children did not watch TV the whole day yesterday.
    1. Susan left the house early at night.
      Susan dejó la casa temprano a la noche.
      Did Susan leave the house early at night?
      Susan did not leave the house early at night.
    1. The burglars broke the window with a hammer.
      Los ladrones rompieron la ventana con un martillo.
      Did the burglars break the window with a hammer?
      The burglars did not break the window with a hammer.
    1. Clara made a beautiful dress for her sister.
      Clara hizo un hermoso vestido para su hermana.
      Did Clara make a beautiful dress for her sister?
      Clara did not make a beautiful dress for her sister.
    1. The students knew all the answers of the exam.
      Los estudiantes sabían todas las respuestas del examen.
      Did the students know all the answers of the exam?
      The students did not know all the answers of the exam.
    1. W. Shakespeare wrote several novels.
      W. Shakespeare escribió varias novelas.
      Did W. Shakespeare write several novels?
      W. Shakespeare did not write several novels.
    1. We stayed at home because the weather was bad.
      Nosotros nos quedamos en casa porque el clima estaba malo.
      Did we stay at home because the weather was bad?
      We did not stay at home because the weather was bad.
    1. I invited Thomas and his wife to my wedding.
      Yo invité a Thomas y su esposa a mi boda.
      Did I invite Thomas and his wife to my wedding?
      I did not invite Thomas and his wife to my wedding.
  1. My mother suggested going to the cinema.
    Mi madre sugirió ir al cine.
    Did my mother suggest going to the cinema?
    My mother did not suggest going to the cinema.


Solución del ejercicio sobre Presente Simple (Interrogativo y Negativo)

¿Has realizado este ejercicio sobre el Presente Simple y quieres conocer si lo has hecho de la forma correcta?… Pues aquí tienes las respuestas…


      • Italian people eat a lot of pasta.

Do Italian people eat a lot of pasta?

      Italian people do not eat a lot of pasta.
      • The train from Madrid arrives at 2:45.

Does the train from Madrid arrive at 2:45?

      The train from Madrid does not arrive at 2:45.
      • Tom likes cooking very much.

Does Tom like cooking very much?

      Tom does not like cooking very much.
      • Sarah plays cards on Mondays.

Does Sarah play cards on Mondays?

      Sarah does not play cards on Mondays.
      • The Thames flows through London.

Does the Thames flow through London?

      The Thames does not flow through London.
      • Some Americans drink six cups of coffee a day.

Do some Americans drink six cups of coffee a day?

      Some Americans do not drink six cups of coffee a day.
      • The spaghetti tastes delicious.

Does the spaghetti taste delicious?

      The spaghetti does not taste delicious.
      • The evening performance starts at 8:30.

Does the evening performance start at 8:30?

      The evening performance does not start at 8:30.
      • Helen works as a shop assistant.

Does Helen work as a shop assistant?

      Helen does not work as a shop assistant.
      • Susan takes a shower everyday.

Does Susan take a shower everyday?

      Susan does not take a shower everyday.
      • I read the newspaper before having dinner.

Do I read the newspaper before having dinner?

    I do not read the newspaper before having dinner.

      • The Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands.

Do the Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands?

      The Parkers do not spend the summer in the Caribbean islands?
      • A lot of people suffer from stress.

Do a lot of people suffer from stress?

      A lot of people do not suffer from stress.
      • Peter smokes a cigar after having lunch.

Does Peter smoke a cigar after having lunch?

      Peter does not smoke a cigar after having lunch.
      • The dress looks terrible.

Does the dress look terrible?

      The dress does not look terrible.
      • Mr. Thompson resides at 1015 Greenway Avenue.

Does Mr. Thompson reside at 1015 Greenway Avenue?

      Mr. Thompson does not reside at 1015 Greenway Avenue.
      • It snows a lot in Sweden.

Does it snow a lot in Sweden?

      It does not snow a lot in Sweden.
      • Tom visits his father every Fridays.

Does Tom visit his father every Fridays?

      Tom does not visit his father every Fridays.
      • Stella returns to the office at 12:30.

Does Stella return to the office at 12:30?

      Stella does not return to the office at 12:30.
      • William washes his car every morning.

Does William wash his car every morning?

      William does not wash his car every morning.
      • Mary hates listening to pop music.

Does Mary hate listening to pop music?

      Mary does not hate listening to pop music.
      • Claire gets up at 6:30.

Does Claire get up at 6:30?

      Claire does not get up at 6:30.
      • Water freezes at 0º C.

Does water freeze at 0º C?

      Water does not freeze at 0º C.
      • At 12:00 my mother takes an hour for lunch.

Does my mother take an hour for lunch at 12:00?

      My mother does not take an hour for lunch at 12:00.

Recuerda que en las oraciones negativas puedes utilizar la forma contraída DON’T y DOESN’T.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Question Tags VI

¿Has realizado este ejercicio sobre Question tags?… Verifica tus respuestas con la siguiente solución:

    1. The nurse has cleaned the surgery room, hasn’t she?
      • doesn’t she?
      • hasn’t she?
      • isn’t she?
    1. My neighbours want to buy a dog, don’t they?
      • didn’t they?
      • don’t they?
      • do they?
    1. My father allowed the children to play in the garden, didn’t he?
      • is he?
      • hadn’t he?
      • didn’t he?
    1. You are considering the idea, aren’t you?
      • are you?
      • aren’t you?
      • weren’t you?
    1. Mary was writing an interesting book, wasn’t she?
      • was she?
      • did Mary?
      • wasn’t she?
    1. We will fix the roof on Monday, won’t we?
      • wouldn’t we?
      • won’t we?
      • weren’t we?
  1. George would not help his brother, would he?
    • won’t George?
    • would he?
    • will he?

    1. Axel and Kevin will not drink beer at the party, wil they?
      • didn’t they?
      • don’t they?
      • will they?
    1. Pupils had not done the homework, had they?
      • have they?
      • had they?
      • haven’t they?
    1. The boss does not sign the contract, does he?
      • does he?
      • did he?
      • is he?
    1. The dog bite you, didn’t it?
      • doesn’t it?
      • didn’t it?
      • isn’t it?
    1. Mike is singing badly, isn’t he?
      • wasn’t he?
      • is Mike?
      • isn’t he?
    1. John is not going to explain his problem, is he?
      • won’t he?
      • was he?
      • is he?
    1. Ann and Mike have not gone to work this morning, have they?
      • hadn’t they?
      • weren’t they?
      • have they?
  1. The secretary had ordered the papers, hadn’t she?
    • does she?
    • hadn’t she?
    • didn’t she?

Solución del ejercicio sobre Futuro Simple – Textos

Aquí te ofrecemos la manera correcta de completar los textos con los verbos en Futuro Simple y también su correspondiente traducción. Verifica como lo has hecho:

The summer holidays will start the next
weekend, so my family decided to travel abroad. We
will take a plane to Italy and probably we will visit
Mary, my best friend, who lives in Rome.
Once there, we will go to the most important and
beautiful places and we will stay for the whole month.

Las vacaciones de verano comenzarán la próxima semana, así que mi familia decidió viajar al extranjero. Nosotros tomaremos un avión a Italia y probablemente visitemos a Mary, mi mejor amiga, quien vive en Roma.
Una vez allí, iremos a los lugares más importantes y hermosos y nos quedaremos todo el mes.

Peter has a very exhausting job, so he will quit
and will try better luck in other place, but first
he has to consider different things. He will study
other languages, and he will attend some courses
to get a better position in an office job.

Peter tiene un trabajo agotador, así que el renunciará e intentará mejor suerte en otro lugar, pero primero tiene que considerar diferentes cosas. Él estudiará otros idiomas y asistirá a algunos cursos para obtener una mejor posición en un trabajo de oficina.

The authorities reported that a bus crashed near the
mountains. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt and
special buses will take the passengers to their
homes. The injured people will stay in the
hospital for one day and the relatives will ask for
their properties in the police office.

Las autoridades reportaron que un autobús
chocó cerca de las montañas.
Afortunadamente nadie fue seriamente
herido y autobuses especiales llevarán a los pasajeros a sus hogares. Las personas heridas permanecerán en el hospital por un día y los parientes solicitarán sus pertenencias en la oficina de policía.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Adjetivos Posesivos

Aquí tienes la solución del ejercicio sobre Adjetivos Posesivos. Recuerda que debías completar los espacios en blanco y luego traducir los textos.

Last Sunday Tom decided to go to his grandparent’s
farm. Peter and Gina has a large area
covered with corn crops and a lot of animals. His
hobbie was to brush the horses and ride them and Tom
used to enjoy doing that when he was a child.
He went by bus because his car was broken, a part of its
engine was damage. The trip lasted many hours
and Tom was very tired, but excited.

El domingo pasado Tom decidió ir a la granja de sus abuelos. Peter y Gina tienen una gran área cubierta con cultivos de maíz y muchos animales. Su pasatiempo era cepillar los caballos y montarlos y Tom solía disfrutar de eso cuando era pequeño. Él viajó en autobus porque su automóvil estaba roto, una parte de su motor estaba dañado. El viaje duró muchas horas y Tom estaba muy cansado, pero entusiasmado.

When he looked for his mobile phone in the bag he
realised that its battery was very low, he thought it
would be enough to make a call, but suddenly the bus
stopped. One of its tyres burst and there was no extra
one. He was desperate but fortunately a woman lend him
her mobile. He could call to his grandparents to
let them know that he would arrive later. Tom waited until
other bus came for them. When he arrived to the farm, hisgrandmother prepared dinner, she made her most delicious plate, then Tom took a bath and
went to sleep. The following day his grandfather
showed him the whole place and they remembered the
happy old times.

Cuando él buscó su teléfono móvil en el bolso se dió cuenta que su batería estaba muy baja, él pensó que sería suficiente para hacer una llamada, pero de repente el autobus se detuvo. Uno de sus neumáticos explotó y no había uno extra. Él estaba deseperado pero afortunadamente una mujer le prestó su teléfono móvil. Él pudo llamar a sus abuelos y hacerles saber que llegaría más tarde. Tom esperó hasta que otro autobus viniera por ellos. Cuando él llegó a la granja, sus abuela preparó la cena, ella hizo su plato más delicioso, luego Tom tomó un baño y se fue a dormir. Al día siguiente su abuelo le mostró todo el lugar y ellos recordaron los viejos y felices tiempos.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Question Tags II

Si ya has realizado este ejercicio comprueba que lo hayas hecho del modo correcto con las siguientes frases.

    1. Peter has smoked ten cigarettes, hasn’t he?
    1. The party had not been funny, had it?
    1. She did not stay in Italy for two months, did she?
    1. John was not studying at the library, was he?
    1. She will be a good wife, won’t she?
    1. Sheyla never prepares dinner at night, doesn’t she?
    1. You would not spend your money at the casino, would you?
    1. Mike is in the lift, isn’t he?
    1. He will never be a good photographer, won’t he?
  1. There was a big parcel here, wasn’t it?

    1. Brian doesn’t like Mexican food, does he?
    1. You are going to paint the flat next week, aren’t you?
    1. You can not wait for the news, can you?
    1. There is enough food for twenty people, isn’t it?
    1. Frank is married, isn’t he?
    1. He had earned a lot of money this year, hadn’t he?
    1. The phone has been ringing the whole day, hasn’t it?
    1. Larice prefers dark skirts, doesn’t she?
    1. Mr. Thompson was very angry, wasn’t he?
  1. Mark did not go to work yesterday, did he?

Ejercicios: Question Tags II

Para que continúes ejercitando, te ofrecemos las siguientes frases que debes completar con sus correspondientes Question Tags. Ten en cuenta el buen uso de los tiempos verbales.

    1. Peter has smoked ten cigarettes, ………………..?
    1. The party had not been funny, ………………..?
    1. She did not stay in Italy for two months, ………………..?
    1. John was not studying at the library, ………………..?
    1. She will be a good wife, ………………..?
    1. Sheyla never prepares dinner at night, ………………..?
    1. You would not spend your money at the casino, ………………..?
    1. Mike is in the lift, ………………..?
    1. He will never be a good photographer, ………………..?
  1. There was a big parcel here, ………………..?

    1. Brian doesn’t like Mexican food, ………………..?
    1. I am going to paint the flat next week, ………………..?
    1. You can not wait for the news, ………………..?
    1. There is enough food for twenty people, ………………..?
    1. Frank is married, ………………..?
    1. He had earned a lot of money this year, ………………..?
    1. The phone has been ringing the whole day, ………………..?
    1. Larice prefers dark skirts, ………………..?
    1. Mr. Thompson was very angry, ………………..?
  1. Mark did not go to work yesterday, ………………..?


Solución del ejercicio sobre Question Tags

Verifica que hayas realizado el siguiente ejercicio de la manera correcta, comparando tus frases con las oraciones que aquí te ofrecemos:

    1. He always loses money, doesn’t he?
    1. My father took the keys, didn’t he?
    1. He lives in London, doesn’t he?
    1. It is very cold, isn’t it?
    1. We are not going to sleep, are we?
    1. Your brother was very sorry, wasn’t he?
    1. They want to sell their house, don’t they?
    1. Your mother enjoyed the opera last night, didn’t she?
    1. This is a beautiful house, isn’t it?
  1. My sister never writes letters, doesn’t she?

    1. My cousin was wearing rubber boots, wasn’t he?
    1. You can not see that notice, can you?
    1. Jennifer was very surprised, wasn’t she?
    1. Tommy will be in Paris tomorrow, won’t he?
    1. Workers will go on strike the next week, won’t they?
    1. It is not a new car, is it?
    1. John did not learn English, did he?
    1. We are going to rent an apartment, aren’t we?
    1. Susan broke her glasses, didn’t she?
  1. The salesman showed an expensive dress, didn’t he?