Solución del ejercicio de Voz Pasiva IV

¿Has realizado este ejercicio sobre Voz Pasiva?… Pues entonces te proponemos que verifiques tus frases con la siguiente solución:

  1. A beautiful picture of the Empire State Building was taken by Sarah.
  2. An excellent job at a bank is had by Sheyla.
  3. The papers were not brought by the secretary.
  4. A new carpet in the office is being set by John.
  5. The cows were milked at the farm by my grandfather.
  6. A taxi after the meeting will be taken by me.
  7. The movie is going to be seen by us.
  8. The glasses has been lost by Susan.
  9. His studies had been begun in Boston by him.
  10. Our neighbour has been bitten by the dog.

  1. The Louvre Museum in Paris will be visited by us.
  2. The ladder is lent to me by my neighbour.
  3. The bills were paid by Sally and Tom.
  4. The party is being enjoyed by my friends.
  5. The puppies were being fed by them.
  6. A baby will be had by Anne’s daughter.
  7. A new tree is going to be planted in the park by Michael.
  8. Enough money to buy a new flat have been saved by us.
  9. The homework had been already done by Tommy.
  10. The birthday’s present was thanked by my friend.