Ejercicios: Reported Speech III (Lenguaje Indirecto)

Te proponemos que continúes ejercitando lo aprendido sobre Reported Speech pasando las siguientes oraciones afirmativas a Lenguaje Indirecto:

  1. «I can’t drink this coffee!», I exclaimed.
  2. «You will miss the train!», my mother told me.
  3. «I forgot her name», my boss told me.
  4. «He needs a new coat», the lady said.
  5. «Tommy isn’t at home now!», his mother told me.
  6. «They will spend their holidays abroad this year», the man explained.
  7. «The operation has been successful», the doctor told us.
  8. «We bought the tickets a long time ago», my neighbours said.
  9. «I like to stay at home during the weekend», my friend suggested.
  10. «The bus will arrive in a few minutes», the voice said.

  1. «I have ordered some soup for you», my husband told me.
  2. «I don’t want to disturb him», I explained.
  3. «I didn’t like your work», the manager told me.
  4. «It is raining heavily!», I said.
  5. «He isn’t realizing that he is making a big mistake», I thought.
  6. «I have just finished my homework», my son said.
  7. «The workers are on strike again», the newspaper said.
  8. «Someone is knocking the door!», my father shouted.
  9. «I am going to take a rest now», my friend’s mother answered.
  10. «John did me a big favour», Larice said.