Solución del ejercicio sobre Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect Tense) (2)

Si ya has completado estas oraciones colocando el verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis en la manera correcta del Pasado Perfecto y luego las has pasado a su forma interrogativa y negativa, observa la siguiente solución:

    1. Robert and Alice had found a valuable ring.
      Had Robert and Alice found a valuable ring?
      Robert and Alice had not found a valuable ring.
    1. My grandfather had gone to New York.
      Had my grandfather gone to New York?
      My grandfather had not gone to New York.
    1. The pupils had visited the museum with the teacher.
      Had the pupils visited the museum with the teacher?
      The pupils had not visited the museum with the teacher.
    1. The workers had asked for a raise in their salary.
      Had the workers asked for a raise in their salary?
      The workers had not asked for a raise in their salary.
    1. The mechanic had fixed the engines.
      Had the mechanic fixed the engines?
      The mechanic had not fixed the engines.
    1. Susan had fallen from the ladder.
      Had Susan fallen from the ladder?
      Susan had not fallen from the ladder.
    1. The young man had lost his wallet.
      Had the young man lost his wallet?
      The young man had not lost his wallet.
    1. Brian had stayed at home last night.
      Had Brian stayed at home last night?
      Brian had not stayed at home last night.
    1. My father had built a new apartment.
      Had my father built a new apartment?
      My father had not built a new apartment.
  1. William had broken the dishes.
    Had William broken the dishes?
    William had not broken the dishes.

    1. Michael had bought a new bike and sold the
      old one.
      Had Michael bought a new bike and sold the old one?
      Michael had not bought a new bike and sold the old one.
    1. The students had brought the books.
      Had the students brought the books?
      The students had not brought the books.
    1. We had visited the church.
      Had we visited the church?
      We had not visited the church.
    1. Sam had spent a lot of money in the market.
      Had Sam spent a lot of money in the market?
      Sam had not spent a lot of money in the market.
    1. Jonathan had parked his car in front of my house.
      Had Jonathan parked his car in front of my house?
      Jonathan had not parked his car in front of my house.
    1. Geraldine had painted a beautiful landscape.
      Had Geraldine painted a beautiful landscape?
      Geraldine had not painted a beautiful landscape.
    1. Mary had won the championship.
      Had Mary won the championship?
      Mary had not won the championship.
    1. The secretary had sent the letters.
      Had the secretary sent the letters?
      The secretary had not sent the letters.
    1. Peter and Tom had stolen the market.
      Had Peter and Tom stolen the market?
      Peter and Tom had not stolen the market.
  1. My friends had bought flowers.
    Had my friends bought flowers?
    My friends had not bought flowers.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Presente Perfecto (Present Perfect Tense) (2)

En este ejercicio te proponíamos que vuelvas a escribir las oraciones en Presente Perfecto reordenando las palabras. También te sugeríamos reescribirlas en interrogativo y negativo. Si ya lo has realizado controla tus respuestas con la solución que te ofrecemos a continuación:

    • Diana has slept until 6 o’clock.
      Has Diana slept until 6 o’clock?
      Diana has not slept until 6 o’clock.
    • I have considered the possibility of travelling abroad.
      Have I considered the possibility of travelling abroad?
      I have not considered the possibility of travelling abroad.
    • Sally has thought about her job.
      Has Sally thought about her job?
      Sally has not thought about her job.
    • The director has arranged an important meeting.
      Has the director arranged an important meeting?
      The director has not arranged an important meeting.
    • My mother has written a lot of letters to the Governor.
      Has my mother written a lot of letters to the Governor?
      My mother has not written a lot of letters to the Governor.
    • Tom and Mary have enjoyed the movie.
      Have Tom and Mary enjoyed the movie?
      Tom and Mary have not enjoyed the movie.
    • I have made many mistakes in the exam.
      Have I made many mistakes in the exam?
      I have not made many mistakes in the exam.
    • Sarah has made a delicious dinner.
      Has Sarah made a delicious dinner?
      Sarah has not made a delicious dinner.
    • I have tried to do the exercises.
      Have I tried to do the exercises?
      I have not tried to do the exercises.
  • She has listened the concert on the radio.
    Has she listened the concert on the radio?
    She has not listened the concert on the radio.

    • My neighbour has played golf.
      Has my neighbour played golf?
      My neighbour has not played golf.
    • My father has smoked ten cigarettes.
      Has my father smoked ten cigarettes?
      My father has not smoked ten cigarettes.
    • Sam has saved enough money to buy a new car.
      Has Sam saved enough money to buy a new car?
      Sam has not saved enough money to buy a new car.
    • They have faced too many problems.
      Have they faced too many problems?
      They have not faced too many problems.
    • The workers have built a new apartment.
      Have the workers built a new apartment?
      The workers have not built a new apartment.
    • John has seen a lot of movies.
      Has John seen a lot of movies?
      John has not seen a lot of movies.
    • Michael has painted the house.
      Has Michael painted the house?
      Michael has not painted the house.
    • The President has given a conference.
      Has the President given a conference?
      The President has not given a conference.
    • My friend has sold his house.
      Has my friend sold his house?
      My friend has not sold his house.
  • The architects have started a new project.
    Have the architects started a new project?
    The architects started a new project.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Pasado Continuo – Textos

Aquí va forma correcta de realizar este ejercicio completando los textos con el verbo en Pasado Continuo y luego traducidos al español:

Tom was saving money for months to go to France
and yesterday he realized that he had enough, but when
he was driving to the travel agency he remembered
that he did not pay the rent, dissapointed he turn round
and went back home. He was getting very ungry when
he thought that he could borrow some money and finally
he could travel.

Tom estuvo ahorrando dinero durante meses para ir a Francia y ayer él se dio cuenta que no tenía suficiente, pero cuando conducía a la agencia de viajes recordó que no pagó el alquiler, desilusionado dio vuelta y regresó a su casa.
Él se estaba poniendo muy enojado cuando pensó que podía pedir prestado algo de dinero y finalmente pudo viajar.

Peter was driving to work yesterday when a dog
ran into the middle of the road, while he was trying to avoid the accident, other car crashed with Peter’s so he
couldn’t do anything about it. He decided to call the police
but when they was arriving to the place the second car escaped, fortunately the police could catch
him to ask the driver some questions.

Peter estaba conduciendo a su trabajo ayer cuando un perro corrió hacia la mitad del camino, mientras él estaba tratando de evitar el accidente, otro auto chocó el de Peter así que no pudo hacer nada. Él decidió llamar a la policía pero cuando ellos estaban llegando al lugar el segundo automóvil escapó, afortunadamente la policía pudo capturarlo para hacerle algunas preguntas al conductor.

Jim was walking along the High Street when he
noticed someone behind him. The man was following him during the whole day, so he decided to go faster. When hewas entering into a dark and narrow street, his heart was going to explode but when he turned back to see if the man kept following him, he dissapeared.

Jim estaba caminando por High Street cuando advirtió que alguien estaba detrás de él. El hombre estuvo siguiéndolo durante todo el día, así que decidió ir más rápido. Cuando él estaba entrando a una calle oscura y estrecha, su corazón estaba latiendo muy fuerte pero cuando el regresó a ver si el hombre continuaba siguiéndolo, desapareció.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Artículo Determinado e Indeterminado

A continuación ofreceremos la forma correcta de realizar el ejercicio sobre Artículo Determinado y Artículo Indeterminado que no había sido publicada con anterioridad debido a la simplicidad del tema.
Sin embargo, hemos recibido muchas solicitudes por parte de nuestros lectores referidas a la necesidad de verificar la ejercitación y por esa razón lo hacemos en esta oportunidad:

    1. The plane arrived early. El avión llegó temprano.
    1. Peter is a boring student. Peter es un estudiante aburrido.
    1. The book is very interesting. El libro es muy interesante.
    1. The apple is not sweet. La manzana no es dulce.
    1. It is an expensive car. Es un automóvil costoso.
    1. She bought a new dress. Ella compró un nuevo vestido.
    1. The meal was perfect. La comida estuvo perfecta.
    1. My father buys the newspaper every day. Mi padre compra el periódico todos los días.
    1. Sarah is a friendly woman. Sarah es una mujer amistosa.
  1. The film was awful. La película era horrible.

    1. The ships arrived to Sydney. Los barcos llegaron a Sidney.
    1. My sister was wearing an ugly hat. Mi hermana estaba usando un feo sombrero.
    1. It is raining and I will buy an umbrella. Está lloviendo y compraré un paraguas.
    1. I drank an excellent wine at the restaurant. Yo bebí unexcelente vino en el restaurant.
    1. Yesterday, I had a problem. Ayer yo tuve un problema.
    1. The farmhouse is very old. La granja es muy vieja.
    1. My brother saw an elephant in Africa. Mi hermano vió un elefante en África.
    1. John wants an apple pie for his birthday. John quiereun pastel de manzana para su cumpleaños.
    1. The piano was bought by my grandfather. El piano fue comprado por mi abuelo.
  1. My father has an important job. Mi padre tiene untrabajo importante.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Futuro Cercano

Si has reordenado estas oraciones en su forma correcta colocando la acción en Futuro Cercano, aquí puedes verificar la respuesta:

  • I am going to kiss you.
  • My father is going to arrive tonight.
  • John is going to swim across the channel tomorrow.
  • I am going to travel by air.
  • Jim and Meg are going to see a movie.
  • My sister is going to write a letter to the President.
  • Our neighbours are going to move to a new house.
  • Alice is going to ask for an explanation.
  • They are going to decontaminate the lake.
  • He is going to take a picture.

  • She is going to telephone me at 5 o’clock.
  • The teacher is going to explain a new lesson.
  • We are going to play cards in our house tonight.
  • Sheyla is going to buy some books at the library.
  • My father is going to feed the birds.
  • They are going to give him a big surprise.
  • Millie is going to drink her medicine.
  • My friends are going to win the championship.
  • I am going to sell my old computer.
  • The secretary is going to send the letters.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Estructura de la Oración (2)

En esta entrada te ofrecemos la solución del ejercicio sobre estructura de la oración el el cual debías reacomodar las palabras teniendo en cuenta los tiempos verbales aprendidos:

  • Mary played the piano last night the theatre.
  • My parents will rent a flat in the city.
  • I will need an umbrella.
  • The weather will be cold and cloudy tomorrow.
  • Alison is having lunch at the new restaurant.
  • You will feel better after this medicine.
  • I explained the exercises in a minute.
  • Clare spent a few days abroad.
  • I did a lot of exercises at school.
  • I will lend you some money.

  • Sandra teaches maths at St. Paul’s School.
  • John will leave the town at midnight.
  • The President is visiting Irak.
  • Jane phoned Mike to ask about the party.
  • Steve is counting his savings to travel to New York.
  • Chris will dance this evening at the school.
  • Jason climbed the Everest the last year.
  • The policema will show the way.
  • My sister is taking photographs outside.
  • They were buying shoes in Italy.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Estructura de la Oración

En esta entrega te ofrecemos la forma correcta de ordenar las frases de acuerdo con la estructura de la oración:

    • I write a letter to my parents that live in Rome every month.
    • She studies the lesson at home during the night.
    • Peter sends a dozen roses to my office every morning.
    • Sarah has lunch in the same restaurant on Mondays.
    • Jeff washes the car outside in the morning.
    • My boss wants the papers on his desk right now.
    • The teacher explains different subjects everyday.
    • Egypt offers mysteries in its surroundings.
    • Sheila loves to eat fruits in her bedroom in the evening.
  • Mark enjoys playing soccer at the beach during the day.

    • The plane takes products to Paris every two days.
    • The team wins the cup in its city when Sam is present.
    • The train only admits 50 people in the station at 5 pm.
    • My father takes the cows to the farm during the morning.
    • George speaks several languages at school during the class.
    • The UFO appears in the sky during the night.
    • The Thompsons wants to go to the beach during the summer.
    • We prepare a large dinner when my brothers come to our home.
    • Michael dances rock and roll in his house every nights.
  • The dog destroys my socks when they are hanging outside.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Pasado Simple II

Continuamos entregando la solución de algunos ejercicios que no se habían publicado anteriormente debido a su simplicidad. En este caso te ofrecemos el modo de completar correctamente estos textos colocando los verbos en Pasado Simple y traduciéndolos al español:

John, my best friend saw a car accident
last night when he was coming back to his home.
He did not know what to do, so he
decide to call the police, and a few
minutes later also arrived two ambulances.
Fortunately nobody was hurt, however
the local authorities started a full investigation.

John, mi mejor amigo vio un accidente de autos
anoche cuando el estaba regresando a su casa.
Él no sabía que hacer, así que
decidió llamar a la policía, y unos pocos
minutos más tarde también llegaron dos ambulancias.
Afortunadamente nadie estaba herido, sin embargo
las autoridades locales comenzaron una intensa investigación.

Four burglars robbed the
International Bank last night.
The men had guns and forced
the employees to give them all the money.
The customers were very scared when the robbers
took a person with them as a hostage.
When they went out
the police caught and took them to prison.

Cuatro ladrones robaron el
Banco Internacional anoche.
Los hombres tenían pistolas y obligaron
a los empleados a entregarles todo el dinero.
Los clientes estaban muy atemorizados cuando los ladrones tomaron una persona como rehén.
Cuando ellos salieron
la policía los capturó y los llevó a prisión.

Last Sunday Michael went to his grandparent’s
farm for first time.
As his car is not very big, he did not take so
much luggage. He wanted to get to the farm
very quickly, so he did not stop to buy any petrol.
Fortunately there was not much traffic so
he could arrive to the house very early
to have breakfast.

El domingo pasado, Michael fue a la granja de sus abuelos por primera vez.
Como su coche no es muy grande, él no llevó demasiado equipaje. Él quería llegar a la granja rápidamente,
así que no se detuvo a comprar gasolina.
Afortunadamente no había demasiado tráfico
así que el pudo llegar a la casa bien temprano para desayunar.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Pasado Continuo

Si ya has realizado este ejercicio sobre Pasado Continuo verifica aquí tus respuestas:

    1. The children were playing football during the week. Los chicos estuvieron jugando fútbol durante la semana.
    1. It was raining hard during the soccer game. Estuvo lloviendo mucho durante el partido de fútbol.
    1. I was studying English for five years in London. Yo estuve estudiando inglés por cinco años en Londres.
    1. Mary was always borrowing my books. Mary siempre estaba pidiendo prestado mis libros.
    1. Peter was practising the guitar before the competition. Peter estuvo practicando la guitarra antes de la competencia.
    1. Susan was driving when the accident happened. Susan estaba conduciendo cuando ocurrió el accidente.
    1. My friends were fighting during the whole night at the club. Mis amigos estuvieron peleando durante toda la noche en el club.
    1. Daniela was teaching language for ten hours. Daniela estuvo enseñando idiomas por diez horas.
    1. I was trying to get a new job. Yo estuve tratando de conseguir un nuevo trabajo.
  1. Jane was planning to go to the cinema with her parents. Jane estaba planeando ir al cine con sus padres.

    1. My son was playing tennis when he broke his leg. Mi hijo estaba jugando tenis cuando se rompió su pierna.
    1. Michael was climbing the mountain for three days. Michael estuvo escalando la montaña por tres días.
    1. It was snowing a lot in the top of the mountain. Estuvo nevando mucho en la cima de la montaña.
    1. John was sleeping when the thieve broke the window. John estaba durmiendo cuando el ladrón rompió la ventana.
    1. My mother was preparing the dinner when Charles got home. Mi madre estaba preparando la cena cuando Charles llegó a casa.
    1. Sarah was sending a message to me when I saw her. Sarah estaba enviándome un mensaje cuando yo la vi.
    1. The tourists were travelling to London when the plane crashed. Los turistas estaban viajando a Londres cuando el avión se estrelló.
    1. Sally was singing beautiful during the concert. Sally estaba cantando hermosamente durante el concierto.
    1. Tom was working very hard in the weekend. Tom estuvo trabajando duro en el fin de semana.
  1. Sam was having lunch when my roommate met him. Sam estaba almorzando cuando mi compañero de cuarto lo conoció.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Presente Continuo – Interrogativo y Negativo

Si ya has realizado el siguiente ejercicio sobre Presente Continuo verifica tus oraciones con la forma correcta que te ofrecemos a continuación. Recuerda que debías completarlas con el verbo, luego traducirlas al español y finalmente escribir su forma interrogativa y negativa como lo muestra este ejemplo:

Alice …. is …. show ….. ing ….. her hat.
Alice está mostrando su sombrero.
Is Alice showing her hat?
Alice is not showing her hat.


    1. She is giving me a gift.
      Ella me está dando un regalo.
      Is she giving me a gift?
      She is not giving me a gift.
    1. My father and my brother are painting the house.
      Mi padre y mi hermano están pintando la casa.
      Are my father and my brother painting the house?
      My father and my brother are not painting the house.
    1. Joe is climbing the mountain.
      Joe está trepando la montaña.
      Is Joe climbing the mountain?
      Joe is not climbing the mountain.
    1. They are eating at the shopping center.
      Ellos están comiendo en el centro comercial.
      Are they eating at the shopping center?
      They are not eating at the shopping center.
    1. My grandmother is wearing a coat.
      Mi abuela está usando un saco.
      Is my grandmother wearing a coat?
      My grandmother is not wearing a coat.
    1. Meg and Brian are waiting for you.
      Meg y Brian están esperando por tí.
      Are Meg and Brian waiting for you?
      Meg and Brian are not waiting for you.
    1. The pupils are explaining the lesson.
      Los alumnos están explicando la lección.
      Are the pupils explaining the lesson?
      The pupils are not explaining the lesson.
    1. My sister is buying a red dress.
      Mi hermana está comprando un vestido rojo.
      Is my sister buying a red dress?
      My sister is not buying a red dress.
    1. The secretary is writing a letter.
      La secretaria está escribiendo una carta.
      Is the secretary writing a letter?
      The secretary is not writing a letter.
  1. The maid is cleaning the house.
    La mucama está limpiando la casa.
    Is the maid cleaning the house?
    The maid is not cleaning the house.

    1. The tourists are taking photographs.
      Los turistas están tomando fotografías.
      Are the tourists taking photographs?
      The tourists are not taking photographs.
    1. They are repairing the car.
      Ellos están reparando el coche.
      Are they repairing the car?
      They are not repairing the car.
    1. The dog and the cat are playing in the garden.
      El perro y el gato están jugando en el jardín.
      Are the dog and the cat playing in the garden?
      The dog and the cat are not playing in the garden.
    1. Peter and Tom are working in a pet shop.
      Peter y Tom están trabajando en una tienda de mascotas.
      Are Peter and Tom working in a pet shop?
      Peter and Tom are not working in a pet shop.
    1. I am inviting you to my birthday party.
      Yo te estoy invitando a mi fiesta de cumpleaños.
      Am I inviting you to my birthday party?
      I am not inviting you to my birthday party.
    1. The kids are washing the hands.
      Los chicos se están lavando las manos.
      Are the kids washing the hands?
      The kids are not washing the hands.
    1. The doctor is talking to the nurse.
      El doctor está hablando con la enfermera.
      Is the doctor talking to the nurse?
      The doctor is not talking to the nurse.
    1. My friends are opening a new store.
      Mis amigos están abriendo un nuevo negocio.
      Are my friends opening a new store?
      My friends are not opening a new store.
    1. Max is sending you an e-mail.
      Max está enviándote un correo electrónico.
      Is Max sending you an e-mail?
      Max is not sending you an e-mail.
  1. I am staying at the hotel.
    Yo me estoy alojando en el hotel.
    Am I staying at the hotel?
    I am not staying at the hotel.