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Solución del ejercicio sobre Voz Pasiva Impersonal II

Para que puedas comprobar si has resuelto correctamente este ejercicio sobre voz pasiva impersonal te ofrecemos la siguiente solución:

  1. It is thought that he plays the piano beautifully.
  2. It was known that Mike was stealing goods from the market.
  3. It was informed that the woman died last night.
  4. It is presumed that the butler is the murderer.
  5. It is said that the party will be here.
  6. It is hoped that the Government supports businessmen’s decisions.
  7. It is affirmed that smoking cause several damages.
  8. It is thought that women are not as strong as men.

  1. It was believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe.
  2. It was feared that the thieves would return to the neighbourhood.
  3. It was thought that John was not a bad person.
  4. It is said that he is a respectable man.
  5. It is considered that animals are gods.
  6. It was thought that he was a good artist.
  7. It is considered that the statement is true.
  8. It is said that children are afraid of darkness.

Solución del ejercicio sobre Voz Pasiva Impersonal IV

¿Has podido resolver este ejercicio sobre voz pasiva impersonal?… Puedes verificar tus respuestas con la siguiente solución:

  1. It is thought that the Yeti lives in Mount Everest.
  2. It is claimed that the salaries must be raised.
  3. It is said that the meeting is cancelled.
  4. It was noticed that a strange object was flying around our home.
  5. It is considered that painting is a job.
  6. It was believed that the police would find the guilty.
  7. It is thought that Mr. Reeds is responsible for his acts.
  8. It is thought that the TV show was planned.

  1. It was considered that the Sun was the essential source of energy.
  2. It was proved that the statements he had made were false.
  3. It is said that yoga is a healthy way to get in shape.
  4. It is thought that the strike is inevitable.
  5. It is presumed that Mike’s classmates hit him.
  6. It has been said that the war is over.
  7. It is considered that the tests must be made in Italy.
  8. It was thought that I went to school yesterday.

Exercises: Voz Pasiva con dos Objetos V – (Passive Voice with two Objects)

En esta ocasión te proponemos que continúes ejercitando sobre oraciones pasivas con dos objetos. Aquí debes reescribir las siguientes oraciones en sus dos maneras posibles:

  1. My wife asked me to buy cereal.
  2. The salesman will send you the goods as soon as they are available.
  3. I had lent my uncle some money a few months ago.
  4. Sophie asked me to join a computer club.
  5. I’m going to tell my sister about the problem.
  6. The teacher explains the students the grammar.
  7. My friends denied Sally access to the private room.
  8. My grandparents left me a moral legacy.

  1. Christine promised her husband to wear a helmet.
  2. The waiter brought you a cold soup.
  3. The director did not allow us to use our books during a test.
  4. The driver gave me his phone number.
  5. Charles had taught the class the whole lesson.
  6. The ticket salesman offered us two games for free.
  7. They taught us about Nelson Mandela.
  8. The secretary has given me her email adress.

Exercises: Voz Pasiva Impersonal IV – (Impersonal Passive Voice)

¿No has conseguido comprender totalmente la forma correcta de escribir frases en voz pasiva impersonal?… Puedes seguir ejercitando con las siguientes oraciones:

    1. Biologists think that the Yeti lives in Mount Everest.
    1. Some people claims that the salaries must be raised.
    1. The secretary says that the meeting is cancelled.
    1. We noticed that a strange object was flying around our home.
    1. My brother considers that painting is a job.
    1. Most people believed that the police would find the guilty.
    1. I think that Mr. Reeds is responsible for his acts.
  1. Experts think that the TV show was planned.

    1. Our ancestors considered that the Sun was the essential source of energy.
    1. The judge proved that the statements he had made were false.
    1. Many women say that yoga is a healthy way to get in shape.
    1. The authorities think that the strike is inevitable.
    1. His parents presume that Mike’s classmates hit him.
    1. The soldiers have said that the war is over.
    1. The scientists consider that the tests must be made in Italy.
  1. My grandmother thought that I went to school yesterday.

Exercises: Voz Pasiva Impersonal III – (Impersonal Passive Voice)

Si todavía tienes algunas dudas sobre la manera correcta de construir una oración en voz pasiva impersonal, puedes seguir ejercitando con las siguientes frases activas:

    1. My whole family thinks that ghosts exist.
    1. People think that money is the most important thing in life.
    1. Specialists say that the business was not good.
    1. Children said that the rock star had only sung three songs.
    1. Astronauts confirm that the rocket was broken.
    1. Some people believe that the prisoner has had second chances.
    1. My boss expects that the job will be done soon.
  1. The witness admitted that the crime had happened in front of him.

    1. A lot of children think that Santa Claus is real.
    1. The bodyguards assume that the fight was a trap.
    1. The police proved that the thieves stole the money.
    1. Politicians believe that the global warming is dangerous.
    1. The company reported that the new models will be totally made in Madrid.
    1. The NASA confirms that the space shuttle fell into the Pacific Ocean.
    1. The country expects that the workers finish the stadium before the World Cup.
  1. They assume that the security system failed.

Exercises: Voz Pasiva Impersonal V – (Impersonal Passive Voice)

Una vez más te ofrecemos un nuevo ejercicio sobre la voz pasiva impersonal. Intenta reescribir estas oraciones correctamente aplicando las reglas correspondientes:

    1. They claim that this diamond is the largest in the World.
    1. The patients consider that she is an excellent dentist.
    1. Journalists reported that many people had been injured in the earthquake.
    1. Military authorities believed that the explosion had been caused by a mine.
    1. Citizens think that the monument is over 1.000 years old.
    1. Researchers said that the reports were ready.
    1. The lady thought that she had stolen the money.
  1. Some guys said that the boss is an incredible man.

    1. My friend noticed that he missed his wallet.
    1. The witnesses believed that a dog saved the baby.
    1. People noticed that the players did not stand the heat.
    1. The pupils had believed that the teacher knew all the exercises.
    1. Everyone thought that the Minister had answered wrongly.
    1. Students deduced that the solution was impossible.
    1. The headmaster announced that the children will not go to the museum the next week.
  1. Susan has said that she has always wanted to be a dentist.

Passive Voice with two Objects – Voz Pasiva con dos objetos

Hace ya algún tiempo explicamos el correcto uso de la Voz Pasiva, un recurso gramatical de gran importancia dentro del idioma inglés que difiere de la Voz Activa (lenguaje utilizado cotidianamente) por enfocar la acción del verbo sobre el objeto de la oración sin importar demasiado quién la está realizando.

Para que recuerdes de que modo se construye una oración pasiva, es importante mencionar que la oración activa debe contar indefectiblemente con objeto directo, es decir, que responda de manera exacta a la pregunta «¿qué cosa?» y una vez obtenida la respuesta seguir los siguientes pasos:

  • El objeto directo de la oración activa pasa a ocupar el lugar de sujeto de la oración pasiva.
  • El verbo principal debe colocarse en Pasado Participio precedido por el verbo TO BE en el tiempo de la oración activa.
  • El sujeto de la oración activa pasa a ocupar el lugar de complemento agente precedido por la preposición BY.

Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:


The lady buys a new hat.
La dama compra un sombrero nuevo.
(El verbo «comprar» recae sobre «la dama» indicando que ella es quien realiza la acción)



A new hat is bought by the lady.
Un nuevo sombrero es comprado por la dama.
(En este caso interesa que «un nuevo sombrero es comprado» sin demasiada importancia de quien realiza la acción)

Una vez refrescada la memoria en cuanto a la mecánica de la Voz Pasiva nos introduciremos en otras formas de construcción como por ejemplo cuando la oración activa dispone de dos objetos:

Jennifer gave me a birthday present.

En este caso, para reescribir este tipo de oraciones con dos objetos debemos colocar uno de ellos como sujeto mientras que el otro permanecerá en su lugar de objeto. ¿Cuál de ellos será el elegido para ser sujeto?… eso dependerá de lo que queramos hacer foco:


My boss offered me an important promotion.



An important promotion was offered to me.
(by my boss)

I was offered an important promotion.
(by my boss)

Es preciso remarcar que en el ejemplo superior hemos colocado el complemento agente entre paréntesis ya que por lo general no se coloca debido a que su utilización resulta poco elegante.

Exercises: Voz Pasiva con dos Objetos III – (Passive Voice with two Objects)

Continuamos ofreciéndote ejercicios sobre oraciones pasivas con dos objetos para que afiances tus conocimientos. En este caso debes reescribir las siguientes oraciones en sus dos maneras posibles:

  1. Claire sewed Susan a beautiful wedding dress.
  2. My grandmother knitted Susan a marvelous pink sweater.
  3. Mark described Tom the European landscapes.
  4. The doctor told us my father’s diagnostic.
  5. The clown made me a disgusting joke.
  6. The receptionist gave the guest a bunch of flowers.
  7. John lent my friends the book of music.
  8. Some people gave the beggar a piece of bread.

  1. My son handed me the nails.
  2. Mike has asked his neighbour a big favour.
  3. The new student bought me my books.
  4. The manager arranged an appointment to the pop star.
  5. The waiter did not bring me the salt.
  6. Some workers forbade us to see the new building.
  7. Sophie did not deliver him the letters.
  8. The nurse took the patient a painkiller.

Exercises: Voz Pasiva con dos Objetos II – (Passive Voice with two Objects)

Si todavía no has comprendido muy bien cómo se construye una oración pasiva con dos objetos puedes continuar ejercitando con las siguientes frases:

  1. I asked my mum to prepare the breakfast.
  2. The firemen had given the victims water and foods.
  3. David told me the forbidden secret.
  4. Tommy is writing an e-mail to his girlfriend.
  5. The secretary sent the clients the bill.
  6. Paul had borrowed Jennifer an important document.
  7. Peter is writing her a romantic poem.
  8. Someone will explain my mother the truth.

  1. Kevin offered me a cup of coffee.
  2. The old man told us an incredible story.
  3. The bartender showed me amazing tricks with bottles.
  4. Oscar told his parents terrible news.
  5. I had bought a perfect gift to my mother.
  6. My boss will not tell the employees his decision.
  7. Mary sang me a beautiful song in the park.
  8. The artist signed pictures for the fans.

Exercises: Pronombres Reflexivos III – (Reflexive Pronouns)

Si todavía no has comprendido el correcto uso de los Pronombres Reflexivos puedes continuar ejercitando sobre el tema completando las siguientes frases con la palabra correcta:

  1. Susan knit a beautiful wool scarf.
  2. I had to prove the theory by .
  3. My new neighbours introduced .
  4. My little brother can already wash by .
  5. The machine stopped working .
  6. Sarah and Carl collected the money.

  1. The little cat is scratching .
  2. The old man talks to .
  3. I must get a new job very soon.
  4. Jennifer took the picture.
  5. She realized she couldn’t do the exercises by .
  6. I made this Christmas card .