Solución del ejercicio de Reported Speech II

¿Ya has realizado este ejercicio?… Pues bien, controla que hayas pasado las siguientes frases a Reported Speech de la manera correcta:

    1. My sister said that she was going to buy a new pair of boots.
    1. The man told the receptionist that his wife was wearing a red dress and a big hat.
    1. The witness told the policeman that the driver had tried to stop the car.
    1. I answered that I had enjoyed the opera very much.
    1. The assistant said that it was a beautiful model.
    1. My son said that Peter never came to his birthday party.
    1. My wife told the salesman that we had been there for half an hour.
    1. My mother told me that I would be a good wife to some lucky man.
    1. I said that I coul not believe him.
  1. I said that he was going to open the front door.

    1. I answered that the parcel contained a birthday gift.
    1. My friend told me that he had spent two hours a day talking to me.
    1. My father said that there was not enough money in his wallet.
    1. I said that we had lost our way.
    1. The secretary said that she had made a terrible mistake.
    1. My mother told my friend Anne that she supposed she was at the supermarket.
    1. The capitan said that the ship would sailed at midnight.
    1. I answered that the policeman was writing in a notebook.
    1. Brian said that it was a good idea.
  1. My wife and my daughter said that they prefered to stay at home.