Ejercicios: Oraciones Condicionales – Segundo Tipo (2)

En el siguiente ejercicio te proponemos que completes las situaciones planteadas en las siguientes oraciones condicionales de segundo tipo con tu imaginación colocando los tiempos verbales en la forma:


    1. If I were James Bond, …………………………
    1. …………………………, people would leave the building.
    1. If he built a new house, …………………………
    1. …………………………, the plane would land in New York.
    1. If you told me his address, …………………………
    1. …………………………, he would return it to the library.
    1. If they came with us, …………………………
    1. …………………………, the employees would demand higher wages.
    1. If my mother stayed in London, …………………………
  1. …………………………, my boss would forget to take his briefcase.

    1. If we visited the aquarium, …………………………
    1. …………………………, the would have plenty of time.
    1. If we waited him for two hours, …………………………
    1. …………………………, I would act differentely.
    1. If they offered me a good job, …………………………
    1. …………………………, you would save a lot of money.
    1. If the operation were successful, …………………………
    1. …………………………, we would be horrified.
    1. If I smoked 20 cigarettes a day, …………………………
  1. …………………………, my brother would stay at home.