Review Exercise: Verb Tenses (Revisión: Tiempos Verbales)

Repasaremos en el siguiente ejercicio el uso de los tiempos verbales aprendidos. Debes completar el texto que te ofrecemos a continuación colocando el verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis en su forma correcta:

When Sarah (be) …………… fifteen years old she (leave)

…………… school without any qualifications. However, she

(be) …………… very ambitious and she (want) …………… to

work in the fashion industry. Luckily she (find) …………… a

good job inmediately as an assistant in a small fashion

company. While she (work) …………… there, she (decide)

…………… to go to evening classes to get a qualification in

business studies. When she (finish) …………… she (be)

…………… promoted. For some years she (do) …………… the

same job and now she (want) …………… a change in her life.