Archivo por años: 2008

Ejercicios: Preposiciones de Tiempo (AT- IN – ON) (2)

Aquí tienes más oraciones donde puedes colocar de forma correcta las preposiciones de tiempo correspondientes:

    1. I usually go camping with my family …………… summer.
    1. Mark always leaves home …………… 8 a.m.
    1. Michael will arrive from Canada …………… April 27th.
    1. My town is very quiet …………… winter.
    1. The second World War began ………. 1939 and ended ………. 1945.
    1. A lot of people come to England …………… summer.
    1. I have to leave now but I will be back …………… half an hour.
    1. My parents usually visit me …………… July.
    1. The best hotels are always full …………… high season.
    1. The papers are delivered …………… the morning.

    1. I am going to the gym …………… Monday and Wednesday.
    1. Where do you often go …………… holidays?
    1. Rose often gets up …………… 7 o’clock.
    1. He collects the money …………… the end of each month.
    1. George will be in his office …………… the morning.
    1. The ship arrives at the port …………… Saturday.
    1. Paul behaves in the same way …………… these occasions.
    1. The children are playing in the garden …………… the moment.
    1. …………… Monday I will be starting a new job.
  1. Sally saw Fred …………… 8:30 …………… Thursday.


Ejercicios: Adjetivos Posesivos

¿Podrías traducir el siguiente texto al idioma español?… Pero antes debes completar los espacios en blanco con los Adjetivos Posesivos correspondientes:

Last Sunday Tom decided to go to …………… grandparent’s

farm. Peter and Gina has a large area

covered with corn crops and a lot of animals. ……………

hobbie was to brush the horses and ride them and Tom

used to enjoy doing that when he was a child.

He went by bus because …………… car was broken, a part of

………….. engine was damage. The trip lasted many hours

and Tom was very tired, but excited.

When he looked for …………… mobile phone in the bag he

realised that ………….. battery was very low, he thought it

would be enough to make a call, but suddenly the bus

stopped. One of ………….. tyre burst and there was no extra

one. He was desperate but fortunately a woman lend him

…………… mobile. He could call to …………… grandparents to

let them know that he would arrive later. Tom waited until

other bus came for them. When he arrived to the farm,

…………… grandmother prepared dinner, she made

…………… most delicious plate, then Tom took a bath and

went to sleep. The following day …………… grandfather

showed him the whole place and they remembered the

happy old times.


Ejercicios: Pasado Continuo – Textos

En el siguiente ejercicio te proponemos que completes los textos colocando el verbo entre paréntesis en Pasado Continuo. Luego puedes traducirlos:

Tom (save) ………………… money for months to go to France

and yesterday he realized that he had enough, but when

he (drive) ………………. to the travel agency he remembered

that he did not pay the rent, dissapointed he turn round

and went back home. He (get) ……………… very ungry when

he thought that he could borrow some money and finally

he could travel.

Peter (drive) …………………. to work yesterday when a dog

ran into the middle of the road, while he (try) …………………..

to avoid the accident, other car crashed with Peter’s so he

couldn’t do anything about it. He decided to call the police

but when they (arrive)………………………………….. to the place

the second car escaped, fortunately the police could catch

him to ask the driver some questions.

Jim (walk) ………………………. along the High Street when he

noticed someone behind him. The man (follow) ………………..

him during the whole day, so he decided to go faster. When

he (enter)………………………….. into a dark and narrow street,

his heart (go) …………………… to explode but when he turned

back to see if the man kept following him, he dissapeared.

Ejercicios: Estructura de la Oración (2)

En esta entrada te proponemos que sigas ejercitando la construcción de oraciones teniendo en cuenta los tiempos verbales aprendidos:

  • played / last / Mary / night / at / theatre / piano / the
  • the / a / city / flat / rent / parents / My / will / in
  • an / I / need / will / umbrella
  • will / cloudy / tomorrow / be / cold / weather / and / The
  • having / is / new / Alison / lunch / restaurant / the / at
  • will / You / better / this / after / feel / medicine
  • explained / I / exercises / in / the / minute / a
  • Clare / a / abroad / days / few / spent
  • did / I / school / a lot of / at / exercises / school
  • will / money / lend / I / you / some

  • teaches / St. Paul’s School / Sandra / at / maths
  • will / John / midnight / leave / town / the / at
  • is / The / visiting / President / Irak
  • phoned / Mike / Jane / about / to ask / the / party
  • to / counting / Steve / is / savings / his / travel / New York / to
  • will / at / school / the / Chris / dance / evening / this
  • climbed / The / Jason / Everest / last / the / year
  • will / The / show / policeman / way / the
  • sister / is / My / taking / photographs / outside
  • in / were / They / shoes / buying / Italy


Ejercicios: Pasado Simple II

En los siguientes textos debes colocar los verbos entre paréntesis en Pasado Simple. Luego puedes traducirlos al español:

John, my best friend (see) ……………….. a car accident
last night when he was coming back to his home.
He (do not know) ………………. what to do, so he
(decide) ………………. to call the police, and a few
minutes later also (arrive) ……………….. two ambulances.
Fortunately nobody (be) ……………….. hurt, however
the local authorities (start) ……………….. a full investigation.
Four burglars (rob) ……………….. the
International Bank last night.
The men (have) ……………….. guns and (force) ………………..
the employees to give them all the money.
The customers (be) ……………….. very scared when the robbers (take) ……………….. a person
with them as a hostage.
When they (go) ……………….. out
the police (catch) ………………..
and (take) ……………….. them to prison.
Last Sunday Michael (go) ………………. to his grandparent’s
farm for first time.
As his car is not very big, he (do not take) ……………….. so
much luggage. He (want) ………………. to get to the farm
very quickly, so he (do not stop) ……………….. to buy any petrol.
Fortunately there (not be) ……………….. much traffic so
he (can) ……………….. arrive to the house very early
to have breakfast.


Ejercicios: Pasado Continuo

¿Podrías colocar los verbos de las siguientes oraciones en Pasado Continuo y luego traducirlas?

    1. The children (play) ……………….. football during the week.
    1. It (rain) ……………….. hard during the soccer game.
    1. I (study) ………………. English for five years in London.
    1. Mary (be) ……………….. always (borrow) ……………….. my books.
    1. Peter (practise) ………………. the guitar before the competition.
    1. Susan (drive) ………………. when the accident happened.
    1. My friends (fight) ………………… during the whole night at the club.
    2. Daniela (teach) ……………….. language for ten hours.
    1. I (try) ………………. to get a new job.
  1. Jane (plan) ……………….. to go to the cinema with her parents.

    1. My son (play) ……………….. tennis when he broke his leg.
    1. Michael (climb) ……………….. the mountain for three days.
    1. It (snow) ……………….. a lot in the top of the mountain.
    1. John (sleep) ……………….. when the thieve broke the window.
    1. My mother (prepare) ……………….. the dinner when Charles got home.
    1. Sarah (send) ……………….. a message to me when I saw her.
    1. The tourists (travel) ……………….. to London when the plane crashed.
    1. Sally (sing) ……………….. beautifully during the concert.
    1. Tom (work) ……………….. very hard in the weekend.
  1. Sam (have) ……………….. lunch when my roommate met him.


Adjetivos Posesivos

En el idioma inglés, los adjetivos posesivos se utilizan para hacer referencia al poseedor de un determinado objeto y son usados con mucha frecuencia, más que en el idioma español. En general preceden a los sustantivos como objetos personales, partes del cuerpo, parentesco, vestimenta. Los adjetivos posesivos y su significado son los siguientes:


Mío / mía / míos / mías
Tuyo / tuya / tuyos / tuyas
Suyo / suya / suyos / suyas
(de él)
Suyo / suya / suyos / suyas
(de ella)
Suyo / suya / suyos / suyas
(de animal u objeto)
Nuestro / nuestra
nuestros / nuestras
Su / sus
(de ustedes)
Suyo / suya / suyos / suyas
( de ellos / ellas)

Observa que la forma ITS se emplea cuando el poseedor es un animal u objeto, aunque muchas veces se hace una excepción cuando existe afecto hacia el animal, en este caso se puede utilizar HIS o HER dependiendo del género, por ejemplo:

That is its house. Aquella es su casa.
(Hace referencia a la casa del perro)


That is his house. Aquella es su casa.
(Hace referencia a la casa del perro si es macho)

That is her house. Aquella es su casa.
(Hace referencia a la casa de la perra)

Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés varían según el poseedor (1ª, 2ª o 3ª persona del singular o plural), pero a diferencia del español, no concuerdan en número con el objeto poseído:

This is my brother. Este es mi hermano.
This is my daughter. Esta es mi hija.
They are my brother. Ellos son mis hermanos.
They are my sisters. Ellas son mis hijas.

Aquí vemos algunos ejemplos:

I forget my books at home. Yo me olvidé mis libros en casa.
He broke his watch yesterday. Él rompió su reloj ayer.
We will sell our car. Venderemos nuestro auto.
Those are their pictures. Aquellos son sus cuadros.
She is wearing her new dress. Ella está usando su vestido nuevo.

Ejercicios: Presente Continuo – Interrogativo y Negativo

Completa las siguientes oraciones colocando el verbo en Presente Continuo. Luego tradúcelas al español y escribe su forma interrogativa y negativa. Observa el ejemplo:

Alice …. is …. show ….. ing ….. her hat.
Alice está mostrando su sombrero.
Is Alice showing her hat?
Alice is not showing her hat.


    1. She ………. give ………. me a gift.
    1. My father and my brother ………. paint ………. the house.
    1. Joe ………. climb ………. the mountain.
    1. They ………. eat ………. at the shopping center.
    1. My grandmother ………. wear ………. a coat.
    1. Meg and Brian ………. wait ………. for you.
    1. The pupils ………. explain ………. the lesson.
    1. My sister ………. buy ………. a red dress.
    1. The secretary ………. write ………. a letter.
  1. The maid ………. clean ………. the house.

    1. The tourists ………. take ………. photographs.
    1. They ………. repair ………. the car.
    1. The dog and the cat ………. play ………. in the garden.
    1. Peter and Tom ………. work ………. in a pet shop.
    1. I ………. invite ………. you to my birthday party.
    1. The kids ………. wash ………. the hands.
    1. The doctor ………. talk ………. to the nurse.
    1. My friends ………. open ………. a new store.
    1. Max ………. send ………. you an e-mail.
  1. I ………. stay ………. at the hotel.


Futuro Simple – (Simple Future)

El Futuro Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro sin necesidad de aclarar en que momento se producirán. Su equivalente en el idioma español es el Futuro Imperfecto. Por ejemplo:

I will study the lesson. Yo estudiaré la lección.
(No se menciona en que tiempo)

He will travel to London. Él viajará a Londres.
(No se especifica cuando)

They will buy a new car. Ellos comprarán un nuevo auto.
(No se sabe en que momento)

Aunque también se puede expresar el tiempo en el que se desarrollará la acción, por ejemplo:

Susan will visit her mother tomorrow.
Susan visitará a su madre mañana.

John will travel to New York the next month.
John viajará a Nueva York el próximo mes.

Este tiempo verbal utiliza para su construcción el auxiliar WILL seguido del verbo principal en infinitivo. En el siguiente cuadro veremos la conjugación del Futuro simple en sus formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa. (Utilizamos el verbo bailar – TO DANCE – a modo de ejemplo):

También se puede usar en la afirmación la contracción de WILL colocando ‘ll al pronombre y en la negación en lugar de WILL NOT se puede utilizar la forma contraída WON’T:

I will play tennis. I’ll play tennis.
We will paint the house. We’ll paint the house.

She will not buy a house. She won’t buy a house.
They will not go to the party. They won’t go to the party.

Ejercicios: Futuro Simple

¿Puedes completar las siguientes oraciones colocando el verbo en Futuro Simple y luego traducirlas al español?

    1. My mother (cook) ……………….. a chocolate cake for my birthday.
    1. I (see) ……………….. Peter tomorrow morning.
    1. My father (paint) ……………….. the house white.
    1. Susan (travel) ……………….. by plane to Spain.
    1. Tom (work) ……………….. as a travel agent.
    1. It (take) ……………….. two hours the get home.
    1. Sally (write) ……………….. a letter to her parents.
    1. Jane and Paul (come) ……………….. to visit us the next year.
    1. I (go) ………………. to the cinema when I finish my homework.
  1. Sarah (sing) ……………….. at the concert tonight.

    1. When Clark arrives to the airport, he (take) ……………….. a taxi to my home.
    1. Mark (meet) ……………….. me at the airport.
    1. If I can not open the door I (break) ……………….. it.
    1. Joe (call) ……………….. me as soon as he arrives to the city.
    1. If I pass the exams, I (celebrate) ……………… with my friends.
    1. Ann (make) ……………… a beautiful dress to her sister for the party.
    1. I (get) ……………….. my graduation at the end of the year.
    1. Charles (buy) ……………….. car as a present to his son.
    1. A lot of people (attend) ……………….. the theatre the next week.
  1. Sam (drive) ……………….. a very fast car in the race.