Ejercicios: Some or Any?

Como ya hemos mencionado, SOME y ANY son palabras cuyo uso generalmente se presta a confusión. Por eso te proponemos que completes las siguientes oraciones utilizándolas de la manera correcta:


    1. There are …………… letters for you.
    1. Is there …………… news from Harry?
    1. Have we got …………… bread for breakfast?
    1. Would you like …………… more coffee?
    1. There are …………… alternatives to do the exam.
    1. …………… people relieve anything they read in the papers.
    1. We don’t have …………… shirts in your size.
    1. The employees didn’t paint …………… building.
    1. …………… of the tourists missed the trip.
  1. There isn’t …………… milk in the fridge.

    1. There is hardly …………… petrol in the tank.
    1. I haven’t made …………… mistake in the test.
    1. …………… of the money is missing.
    1. She doesn’t have …………… plan for tonight.
    1. I have travelled to Paris without …………… problems.
    1. …………… cities were destroyed during the war.
    1. I haven’t seen my father for …………… years.
    1. …………… children were playing in the street.
    1. The government didn’t take …………… measure to solve the crisis.
  1. There were …………… 200 tourists in the museum.