Exercises: Caso Posesivo o Genitivo IV

Hoy les traemos una nueva entrega sobre el Caso Genitivo y su uso. En el siguiente ejercicio debes reescribir las oraciones colocando correctamente la posesión del sustantivo:


    1. The wedding of Morgan and Clarice will take place tomorrow.
    1. The attitude of the boy was impolite.
    1. The savings of my mother disappeared last night.
    1. The moral of my father is very strong.
    1. The workers celebrated the success of the company.
    1. The girlfriend of Jerry is very good at sports.
    1. The gun of the policeman is very old.
  1. The dress of Margaret was astonishing.

    1. The camera of Timmy was broken during the trip.
    1. She is always telling stories of sailors.
    1. The flowers of Sue are the most beautiful of the block.
    1. The job of Virginia is extremely exhausting.
    1. The sons of Dave moved to the city.
    1. The specialty of Mrs. Reed is to make cakes.
    1. The new rules of the President are strict.
  1. Amy bought the pet of Robert in the park.