Exercises: Caso Posesivo o Genitivo I

¿Recuerdan cuando explicamos sobre el Caso Genitivo y su uso?… Pues bien, aquí te ofrecemos un ejercicio para que puedas aplicar lo aprendido. En este caso debes reescribir las oraciones indicando correctamente la posesión:

  1. The jacket of Claude is in the back seat of the car.
  2. The sister of Tom and Sam went to the party last night.
  3. The manager of the factory has just arrived.
  4. I found the necklace of my neighbour in the garden.
  5. My mother made the clothes of the ladies.
  6. We wish to know the opinion of somebody.
  7. The brothers of Julie are very polite.
  8. My little brother was at the house of my friend.

  1. The neck of the giraffes is too long.
  2. The tools of the scientist are missing.
  3. I will take a holiday of four days.
  4. The parents of John are looking for a new apartment.
  5. The voice of my sister is annoying.
  6. The red dress of Sally is in the closet.
  7. We appreciate the knowledge of our teacher.
  8. The shoes of Arthur and Mike need to be polished.