Review Exercise: Verb Tenses (Revisión: Tiempos Verbales) III

Completa la siguiente carta colocando los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis en el tiempo verbal que corresponde. Si lo deseas luego puedes ejercitar escribiéndole una carta a un amigo que hace tiempo que no ves.

Dear John:

Well, I (arrive) …………… safely two weeks ago. The flight

(be) …………… fine, but a bit long. I (watch) …………… two

films and (eat) …………… two breakfasts!

Thank you for everything. I (have) …………… a really good

time with you in London. Everything here (be) ……………

very different from your city. I (write) …………… this letter

outside in the garden and I (sit) ………….. under a big

umbrella because the sun is very hot today.

It (be) …………… so difficult for me to start work after my

holiday, but it (be) …………… ok now. I (send) …………… just

…………… you some photos of my town. Please (reply)

…………… me soon, and thank you again for the wonderful

time. Best wishes! Peter