En el siguiente ejercicio deberás escribir nuevamente las oraciones pero tendrás que hacerlo utilizando el plural de los sustantivos:
- The leaf of the trees has turned yellow.
- The nurse is speaking to the patients.
- A woman is visiting her sick child.
- She fell down the stairs and her foot hurts.
- That book contains a different kind of story.
- The claf is grassing in the field.
- The teacher asked the student to draw a horse.
- I ate an orange and a tomato.
- He took a match from the box.
- A mouse ate the cheese and left a tooth mark on it.

- The cow is drinking some water.
- There is a radio on my desk.
- There is a book and a brush on this shelf.
- There is a louse in her hair.
- The policeman finally caught the thief.
- There is a hero in the police stations.
- A famous architect built this house.
- I usually have a fruit for breakfast.
- My sister prepared a delicious cake.
- The baby has a new toy in his box.