Ejercicios: Preposiciones de Movimiento (AT – IN – FROM – TO – INTO)

Coloca las preposiciones de movimiento de manera correcta en las siguientes oraciones:

  1. The burglar broke …………… the house during the night.
  2. The girl jumped out …………… that window.
  3. Peter went …………… the office to pick up his wallet.
  4. Susan arrives …………… the airport at 7 o’clock.
  5. The ship set out …………… Canada yesterday morning.
  6. I am travelling ………….. London next week.
  7. Please bring the goods …………… the warehouse.
  8. He put his laptop ………….. his suitcase.
  9. I have received a letter ………….. Norah this morning.
  10. The papers were sent …………… your home a week ago.

  1. The firemen went …………… the building.
  2. Tom, put your toys …………… the box.
  3. The boy threw a stone …………… the dog.
  4. Your bicycle were found …………… the station.
  5. All the people came …………… the shop due to the good offers.
  6. You must put the garbage …………… the basket.
  7. The thief went …………… the alley and disappeared.
  8. John has to pick up the package …………… a small town.
  9. Sam wanted to go …………… a football match.
  10. It is not polite to point …………. people.