Para que podamos construir los tiempos perfectos también necesitaremos conocer el Pasado Participio de los verbos regulares, que al igual que en el Pasado Simple forman su conjugación añadiéndole la terminación ED al infinitivo:
Responder |
To answer |
answered |
Preguntar |
To ask |
asked |
Aprobar |
To approve |
approved |
Pertenecer |
To belong |
belonged |
Cepillar |
To brush |
brushed |
Limpiar |
To clean |
cleaned |
Trepar |
To climb |
climbed |
Cocinar |
To cook |
cooked |
Bailar |
To dance |
danced |
Descubrir |
To discover |
discovered |
Entregar |
To deliver |
delivered |
Disfrutar |
To enjoy |
enjoyed |
Explicar |
To explain |
explained |
Acabar |
To finish |
finished |
Pescar |
To fish |
fished |
Ocurrir |
To happen |
happened |
Besar |
To kiss |
kissed |
Gustar |
To like |
liked |
Vivir |
To live |
lived |
Necesitar |
To need |
needed |
Abrir |
To open |
opened |
Pintar |
To paint |
painted |
Castigar |
To punish |
punished |
Recordar |
To remember |
remembered |
Mostrar |
To show |
showed |
Sonreir |
To smile |
smiled |
Iniciar |
To start |
started |
Estudiar |
To study |
studied |
Visitar |
To visit |
visited |
Esperar |
To wait |
waited |