Exercises: Voz Pasiva con dos Objetos II – (Passive Voice with two Objects)

Si todavía no has comprendido muy bien cómo se construye una oración pasiva con dos objetos puedes continuar ejercitando con las siguientes frases:

  1. I asked my mum to prepare the breakfast.
  2. The firemen had given the victims water and foods.
  3. David told me the forbidden secret.
  4. Tommy is writing an e-mail to his girlfriend.
  5. The secretary sent the clients the bill.
  6. Paul had borrowed Jennifer an important document.
  7. Peter is writing her a romantic poem.
  8. Someone will explain my mother the truth.

  1. Kevin offered me a cup of coffee.
  2. The old man told us an incredible story.
  3. The bartender showed me amazing tricks with bottles.
  4. Oscar told his parents terrible news.
  5. I had bought a perfect gift to my mother.
  6. My boss will not tell the employees his decision.
  7. Mary sang me a beautiful song in the park.
  8. The artist signed pictures for the fans.