Solución del ejercicio sobre Futuro Cercano

Si has reordenado estas oraciones en su forma correcta colocando la acción en Futuro Cercano, aquí puedes verificar la respuesta:

  • I am going to kiss you.
  • My father is going to arrive tonight.
  • John is going to swim across the channel tomorrow.
  • I am going to travel by air.
  • Jim and Meg are going to see a movie.
  • My sister is going to write a letter to the President.
  • Our neighbours are going to move to a new house.
  • Alice is going to ask for an explanation.
  • They are going to decontaminate the lake.
  • He is going to take a picture.

  • She is going to telephone me at 5 o’clock.
  • The teacher is going to explain a new lesson.
  • We are going to play cards in our house tonight.
  • Sheyla is going to buy some books at the library.
  • My father is going to feed the birds.
  • They are going to give him a big surprise.
  • Millie is going to drink her medicine.
  • My friends are going to win the championship.
  • I am going to sell my old computer.
  • The secretary is going to send the letters.