Ejercicios: Some or Any? (2)

Continúa ejercitando el uso de SOME y ANY completando las oraciones que te ofrecemos a continuación con su forma correcta:

    1. Do you have …………… paper clips in the box?
    1. …………… book will give you the answer.
    1. My son has to write …………… essays for tomorrow.
    1. He could hardly give …………… evidence.
    1. I brought …………… extra pencils for you.
    1. …………… doctor will tell you that smoking is bad.
    1. There were …………… valuable paintings in the room.
    1. My sister speaks …………… French.
    1. You have …………… exercises to do tonight.
  1. …………… of my friends are coming to visit me.

    1. I’d like to make a sandwich but there isn’t …………… bread.
    1. If you have …………… problem, just call me.
    1. I don’t want …………… pets in my house.
    1. …………… of the questions were very difficult.
    1. There were …………… bugs on the pizza.
    1. …………… of the books are broken.
    1. I couldn’t use …………… technique to solve the problem.
    1. …………… plants need a lot of water.
    1. I haven’t got …………… idea about what happened yesterday.
  1. I didn’t understand …………… of the lectures.