Continuando con los verbos irregulares te ofrecemos una nueva entrega para que ejercites el Pasado Simple. Consulta también:
Surgir |
To come up |
came up |
Aguantar |
To stand |
stood |
Estar afligido |
To grieve |
grieved |
Ordenar |
To bid |
bade |
Engendrar |
To breed |
bred |
Arrojar/Lanzar |
To throw away |
threw away |
Agarrarse |
To cling |
clung |
Deslizarse sigilosamente |
To creep |
crept |
Tratar con |
To deal |
dealt |
Soñar |
To dream |
dreamt |
Habitar |
To live in |
lived in |
Escapar |
To run away |
ran away |
Moler |
To grind |
ground |
Desistir |
To stop |
stopped |
Arrodillarse |
To kneel |
knelt |
Colocar |
To lay |
laid |
Guiar |
To lead |
led |
Brincar |
To leap |
leapt |
Permitir |
To let |
let |
Encender |
To light |
lit |
Segar |
To mow |
mowed |
Sonar |
To ring |
rang |
Perder (hojas) |
To shed |
shed |
Herrar |
To shoe |
shod |
Lanzar con fuerza |
To sling |
slung |
Dar vueltas |
To spin |
spun |
Dividir |
To split |
split |
Saltar |
To spring |
sprang |
Levantarse |
To stand |
stood |
Golpear |
To strike |
struck |
Colgar algo |
To string |
strung |
Lanzar adelante |
To thrust |
thrust |
Acometer |
To undertake |
undertook |
Andar a zancadas |
To stride |
strode |
Sujetar con cinturón |
To fasten |
fastened |